Your name

The doorman opens the door, and the sheep hear his voice. Call the sheep by name and remove them from the fold. John 10: 3

I don’t know your name, what your purpose on this earth is, and what your name really means. But, I am sure that God knows your name, He knows who you are and have never forsaken you. So, when reviewing my messages I found that a person who wishes to be anonymous, but for this purpose, I will call AL, who took her time to look for the meaning of each name of my family. I was shocked because I never thought that through the Bible our names were meaningful in purpose. Therefore, I want to share this beautiful message with all my readers and friends.

I want to tell you that all this came to my heart during the morning of today … but it wasn’t until this moment that the whole eagerness of the day has passed to send them to you. I meditated on each of our names and each one has its special meaning (and not because I look for it in the horoscope) Lord rebuke, just as I prayed I got each name and said to myself: “Wow but it’s every name has the word of God!” Even if the name is not written as such…” When I began to search the bible, even Nathanael has his name in the bible…

Iris – Ezekiel 1:28 “As it looks like the rainbow that is in the clouds the day it rains, so was the look of the glow around. This was the vision of the likeness of Jehovah’s glory. And when I saw her, I fell on my face and heard the voice of one speaking. “Offering the Promises of God”

Mary – Acts 1:14. All these persevered unanimously in prayer and prayer, with women, and with Mary the mother of Jesus, and with her brothers. “Demonstrating courage and perseverance”

Orlando – The name does not appear in the bible, but if Orlando (name) comes from the Latin name Rodolandus, which in turn comes from the Germanic name Ortland, which means ‘famous for his battles’, ‘which represents the sword of the country’ or ‘he who gives glory to the country’. “Inspiring to be brave Warriors”

Alba – Genesis 32: 26. And he said: Leave me, for the day is at dawn. And Jacob said to him, I will not leave you if you do not bless me. “Carrying Hope.”

Myrta – is a name of Greek origin, which is derived from the voice «μύρτα» (myrta), whose meaning is “myrtle”, which is the name of a tree linked to love and beauty. Highly equipped for humanitarian work. “Showing goodness and passion in what you do”

Justa-Titus 2: 12. Teaching us that, renouncing impiety and worldly desires, we may live in this century sober, just and godly. “Sowing Justice and Peace”

America – Isaiah 60: 8. Who are these that fly like clouds, and like doves to their windows? 11. Your doors will be continuously open; they will not be closed day or night, so that the riches of the nations may be brought to you, and their kings led to you. “Bringing prosperity”

Nathanael – St. John 1:49. Nathanael answered and said to him, Rabbi, you are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel. 50. Jesus answered and said to him: Because I said to you: I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You see greater things than these. “Imparting faith”

** We cannot miss who God used to give them these gifts to be their fruits …..

Américo – composed of haim-, ´casa, patria´, and -composed of haim-, ´y –ric, ´poderoso´. It comes from Américo Vespucio, was a merchant, explorer, cartographer who participated in at least two exploration trips to the New World, a continent that today is called America in his honor. “Fighter, called to conquer and cross borders”

Antonia – It is a name of Latin origin that means “Beautiful as a flower”. “Renaissance” teaches us to be guided by the heart and be sensitive to the call”

The truth is that we are fortunate to know where we came from and why God allowed us to be the sons and daughters of Mr. Américo and Mrs. Antonia. Perhaps at some point in our lives, we come to ask or wish “if our parents had had prestige or money” where we would not have to go through needs “… but God is so great that he gave us two Great Priestly figures, what better wealth than that …..

We are honored with such a prestigious gift!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am asking for your forgiveness if I have failed you. I want to thank you because I am a gift sent to this world for purposes. It’s good to know that you know my name. I want my God, today, to give my heart to you so that my name is recorded in the book of life. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, we often question who we are, where we came from, and we even belittle our parents because they didn’t give us what we wanted. But, you know something those parents were with you in good and bad. And, perhaps for some their circumstances are others. But, I want to tell you that no matter who your parents were, there is a Father who named you before you were born, Jesus. Jesus reminds us that we are his children and knows us by our name.