You Worth Much More

26 Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow, nor reap, nor store away in barns; and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more than they? Matthew 6:26

Through a website, I read a message from a person that exposed a reality that has been happening in the labor system. When reading the article about unemployment and recruitment through computerized systems, I was identify with the words and like me and many people with a high level of education and work experience have been rejected by computer systems and sometimes even within the company when applying to a new position because we are over qualified and / or  no experience. Although, I recognize that today, technology is so advanced that we lose perspective of human need.

Sometimes within that job search we are rejected, frustrated, and desperate (since we have to pay debts), we feel depression, anxiety, change of mood, and many other things. Moreover, even more if there is a family to feed, educate, and give a roof. The person who has experienced unemployment knows very well what I am talking about (writing).

When I was unemployed (2007) due to structural changes in the company, I remember the next working day I went to the unemployment department. What unemployment gives (money) is not much, but something is something. When the unemployment money ends and you have not got anything yet, you start to despair and then you start looking from below and you do not find anything because you are over qualified. And, you begin to modify your Resume and nothing. Over time, I have worked in the flea market, I have worked in department stores and warehouse area, I have sold food, I have taken make-up classes, I have taken jewelry classes and sold them, I have sold cakes, “pasteles”, and so many other things that the Resume would not hold. All this to survive. Today, I am again in that process of searching at the job that I know God has saved for me. But, to what that comes, God has given me the task of this new project, The Inspirational Hope-Fe Blog to reach people in great need.

You know, friend, during the time I lived without work and the times when the doors were closed I thank God because he always took care of me and my family. God always supplied in the midst of my need. God always send restless hearts to bless me. In the middle of my crisis, I met wonderful people, I met my town and my neighbors since I had been working for 15 years and I only went to sleep. In the middle of the crisis you realize who your friends are and the beautiful family that God gave us. I do not know, friend if it happened to you, I also recognize that being unemployed  I rejuvenated (ha ha, lol), slept more, had more time for my things and shared more with family and friends, go more to the Church and actively participate, and many other things which before did not have the time to perform them.

Sometimes we do not understand the mysteries of God or his purposes, but then we understand them. The important thing about this is to remember that you are valuable to God. Sometimes God allows us to experience new changes in order to grow more as person and be sensitive to the needs of others. I do not know what your experience has been, but I know that now, just like me, you are a different person and eager to live and have new challenges to continue being successful and successful people in Christ Jesus. Are you not worth more than the birds of the heavens? Well, get up in victory, overcome your past, empower yourself and be resilient.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. If I failed you, forgive me. I come before your presence recognizing that in the midst of my unemployment and in the midst of my economic crisis you are with me. Forgive me, because in my humanity I tend to despair and even frustrate myself with the systems that exist today in order to have a job. Thank you for reminding me that I am valuable to you and that is why you take care of me and family. Thank you, my God, because if you feed the birds of the heavens, the more your Lord Jesus will do with us. Just help me be patient because what you have prepared for me is great. I, today, receive it in your name, Jesus. Amen.

A friendly advice

To you, Friend, the truth is that today are not the same times that we went directly to the company and we knocked on the doors. Today, the computerized systems are used with certain programs designed to continue to the next level or be rejected by the same computerized system. The systems are designed with keywords that if your Resume does not have those keywords the system rejects you.

I recommend the following:

  1. If the company gives you money to let you leave the company, be wise, do not go traveling and spend it on things that will not be useful. Remember that hard times will come. Be wise, pay your house or all small debts in this way you will feel a financial relief.
  2. It is time to make adjustments in everything. Include the family to create awareness of what is happening.
  3. If you still work, save for times of crisis because now a days getting a job requires long months and / or years. Moreover, start making adjustments in everything.
  4. Update your Resume. On the Internet there are many formats that you can use as an example or let yourself be guided.
  5. Make a list of your supervisors, emails and telephones because they are part of your references.
  6. Make a list of colleagues and friends who know your work, their emails and phones because they are also part of your references.
  7. The references are no longer used in the Resume, which is why you should have them on hand in case they require it in the system application.
  8. Search the Internet for the program for the “keywords”. Copy the description of the job they are asking and paste in the white box and click visualize.  Once you see the words that are marked larger than the others, put those words in your Resume.
  9. Always ask another person to review the Resume to avoid grammatical errors. You can use
  10. Look for employment, in other places that are not your specialty, you will be surprised.
  11. Be willing to work on everything, which is a blessing.
  12. Participate in events of your Church and community is a way to fraternize and meet people. These people can help you. You know that if you volunteer, you can place it in your Resume since it serves as an experience.
  13. Subscribe to job websites such as Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Monster, LinkedIn, USAjobs, and others as there are many opportunities on the Internet.
  14. Have your certifications and transcriptions on hand.
  15. Go to job search events. Verify what day they will be near your area. Take the Resume with you.
  16. Always dress appropriately for a job interview and according to the dress code of the work area or company.
    1. Woman: For example for a structured company: Always have a “suit” jacket and pants or skirt in black or dark blue and have two blouses preferably white or light blue or the preferred color suitable for a job interview. Have a pair of black shoes closed with a suitable heel since there are companies that do not allow open shoes or high heels. Black purse not too big. Simple makeup preferably neutral colors and little accessories (jewelry).
    2. Man: For example, for a structured company: Always have a “suit” jacket and trousers in black or dark blue and have two shirts preferably white or light blue or the preferred color suitable for a job interview. A good tie that matches your clothes. Have a pair of black shoes. Always remember to have your beard trimmed (if applicable)
  17. If you are called for an interview, please search the Internet for information about the company, review your Resume again and take several with you, and review the role of the position again. Ask a friend to ask you key interview questions according to your work or look for those questions on the Internet so you do not feel so nervous, because the better you are prepared that will make you look good. Have a list of questions, that will make you look good and that you are aware of the company.
  18. Remember to turn off your cell phone when you are in an interview.
  19. Be on time, at least 15 minutes before the interview or job.
  20. I encourage you, while you have a job opportunity, you can study, and there are financial aid to study. Take classes in certifications such as Project Management, arts, cooking, small business courses, and others.
  21. Do not give up, looking for a job, it’s a job. Take at least one hour to look for a job.
  22. Above all, trust in God, because he will always help you and give you the knowledge to reach the place that you will be useful for God and society.

To you, employer or human resources: The world is full of good professionals and hardworking people, who are standing and waiting for someone to see them beyond the traditional systems and to be provided with a new opportunity. Please, do not discriminate or think that they are  over qualified, the candidate knows it, and still wants and needs that new challenge or opportunity. There is a probationary time for that, right? It is time to go back to those good old traditions of evaluating the Resume and not a computerized system that has rejected thousands of excellent candidates. What are you waiting for to give an opportunity to a person who has a lot of desire to work? Ask wisdom from above to make decisions. You will not regret.