You Have Power

Behold, I give you the power to trample snakes and scorpions, and over all the forces of the enemy, and nothing will harm you. Luke 10:19

Recently, I was talking to one of my sisters about the story of Paul and Silas (the biblical book of Acts). They were men full of power and authority. They were men who healed, cast out demons and as many other virtues as men of God. When we reflect on them, God reminds us that each of us has the power of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus left us before ascending to heaven. The Holy Spirit …

The Holy Spirit is such a dedicated subject among so many religions, but the truth is that it is very clear in the biblical scriptures where Jesus equipped us with the Spirit to perform miracles, gifts such as speaking in a language, prophecy, teaching, wisdom, we also manifest the power of liberation, healing, and much more. If we really understand the power of the Holy Spirit in us (which the devil knows and therefore wants to deceive you by telling you that you have no power) imagine what you can do on this earth that God gave us to be stewards, with authority over the beasts of the field and of the earth.

Paul and Silas, men who recognized that God left a legacy of authority and that is why there was no demon or jail to interfere with God’s purpose in their lives. When we recognize that we are sons and daughters of God, we walk so sure of who we are that people themselves look at you with suspicion and wonder who that person is that when he/she walks everything stops, people begin to murmur about you, and they forget that they have the same power as you. They simply have not recognized that Jesus sent us to be messengers and bearers of the gospel, and God’s love for humanity. When you recognize the power in you, the world trembles.

Prayer: Open your Heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness and that today you seal me with your Holy Spirit. I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, Paul and Silas perhaps had no idea of ​​the greatness of God’s purpose in their lives. But of one thing I am sure that they left us their teachings and remind us that only in God there is power. Let us not be intimidated by the circumstances. Remember that Jesus taught us that with fasting and prayer we can cast out demons and He marked us with his Holy Spirit where He gives us authority. You just must have faith and recognize that you are a special being for our Lord Jesus.

Seek help, pray, and fast but above all believe in the power that is in you. Jesus marked us with his Holy Spirit, we are his sons and daughters.