You have power

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1: 7

It is sad to know how our people suffer from low self-esteem, how they think they have no authority or power to overcome obstacles, they think they cannot and they even think that life has no meaning for them. Our population constantly suffers mental battles that lead them to despair and they think that there is no way out. But, today, my dear friends, I want to tell you that there is extraordinary power in you and the enemy (the devil or whatever you want to call him) knows it. Therefore, it is time to recognize your power.

Yes, my dear friends, God has given us all authority to rebuke, to heal, to make decisions, to love, and to recognize that you are a special and unique being, as there are not two of you. It is time to get up, it is time to shake your spirit, it is time to lift your head, it is time to get out of the mental, physical or emotional oppression that bind us and prevent us from being who we really are.

You are a powerful being, you are a child of God, you were created as a thinking being to make decisions, to say yes or no. You are not alone. You are an intelligent being, you have special gifts that you may not yet recognize but, with the help of people who want the best for you, you can get out of the bonds that bind you. It is time to recognize that you are a warrior and that you have the tools as an agent of light to release the power that is in you. You are extraordinarily powerful. Time to recognize that there is someone powerful who has given us that power in you, Jesus. Remember who has given you the power that is in you, so you are a special being.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence recognizing that you have given me power to win and win spiritual and physical wars. With you, Jesus I can break down barriers and in you I put my trust. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to put the armor that is in you. You are a child of God. You have the power and authority to rebuke and move forward. Do not look back, what happened has already happened, now is the time to continue and move forward. Find the help that is necessary so that you can continue with your dreams and goals. Remember for our God all of you are valuable.