You have looked at me

They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed. Psalm 34:5 (NKJV)

We have been shipwrecked for many years and we have not yet found a safe harbor. We try to find a solution to the situation, but it has been temporary. We have got tired, we have fatigued and we have exhausted all the resources, the advice, and we have even lost friends and family along the way. There is nothing out there that can give us the comfort and peace we so badly need. Even surrounded by so many people, we have found ourselves empty; alone. Our thoughts are becoming more stormy every day and wanting to escape something that there is no solution. Until one day someone looks us in the eyes. We try to evade his gaze, but his gaze is so powerful that it finally catches my gaze.

The look has been like a reflection of light, that when we follow that light we realize that we have reached the shore. We realize that all this time we were on the wrong course. The Lord Jesus, he was looking for me. Only his eyes connected to my eyes, I could feel an immense peace and with his voice, he said my name. My ears were uncovered and now I hear the sound of his voice like the whispering of the wind. When I reached the shore, I left my boat, I left in the boat my worries, my anxiety, and thoughts that tormented me day and night. He knew that I was not carrying anything in my boat but, sandbags which with the falling water became heavier and heavier.

When He looked at my eyes, He discovered everything that was in me, I felt naked. I did not know where to hide, but his eyes, his sweet voice told me “do not be afraid because today you will walk through other seas”. His smile was impenetrable and his love filled me with a joy and an inexplicable peace. He approached me and he loved me, so he did not care about my condition. He gave me a second chance when others closed the doors. He showed me his patience with this sailor who could not find his way. He healed and cured my wounds. He started talking to me when nobody talked to me anymore. And above all, He cried with me and wiped my tears when my boat was all ready to tear it down. When I asked Him, he immediately answered me. Just letting his gaze connect with my gaze, today my boat sails to other seas because I know that Jesus is in my boat. He is the compass that will get me to a safe harbor.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me for not allowing you to look me in the eyes. When I look at myself, I know that you discover me as I am, and today I ask your forgiveness. Help me navigate to a safe harbor. Today I leave my old boat on the shore, next to you I will seek to shipwreck to other seas because only in you will make me rest. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I want to tell you that God is not here to judge your current condition. Jesus looks for an available heart willing to listen to his voice. Only in Jesus can you find a solution and above all, peace and joy that no one can give you. Today, I invite you to connect yourself to Jesus.

How? Well, talk to God, that is to pray; read the Bible, and seek professional help or a minister of God. But, above all remember that you are not alone, speaking is healthy for your life. I also recommend that if you want, to write to me in the contact section of the blog. Remember that God loves you and his gaze is penetrable, clean and purifies your life.