You are special to God

Since you are priced in my eyes, worthy of honor, and I love you… Isaiah 43: 4

During these days, I was sharing with some wonderful people and in their conversations, I heard about how special their autistic children are and at the same time little understood in our society. Sad to know that even these days, you are not given adequate education and attention in public or even private schools. When reading some messages sent by social networks, I received a message as it related to what was discussed during this week. This message captivated my attention and touched my heart, so I want to share the following message with you:

At a party organized at a school for children with special abilities, a student’s father delivered an emotional speech that will never be forgotten by the people who heard it.

After congratulating the school and all those who work in it, this father made the following reasoning: – “When there are no external agents that interfere with nature, the natural order of things reaches perfection.”

-But my son, Herbert, can’t learn how other children do.

-He cannot understand things as other children. Where is the natural order of things in my son?

The audience was shocked by the question.

The boy’s father went on to say: ‘I believe that when a child like Herbert, physically and mentally disabled, comes into the world, an opportunity to see human nature presents itself, and manifests itself in the way other people treat that person. Boy’.

Then he said that one day he was walking with his son Herbert near a park where some children played baseball. Herbert asked his father:

-‘Dad, do you think they let me play? ‘

His father knew that most children would not like someone like Herbert to play on his team, but the father also understood that if he was allowed to play his son, they would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and the confidence of being accepted. For others despite their special abilities.

Herbert’s father approached one of the children they were playing and asked (without waiting long) if Herbert could play.

The boy looked around for someone to advise him and said: We are losing for six races and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess you can join our team and we will try to put it at the bat in the ninth inning. ‘

Herbert moved with difficulty to the bench and with a wide smile, he put on the team’s shirt while his father watched him with tears in his eyes with emotion.

While Herbert sat among the group of those waiting for his chance to play, his father watched him. The other boys noticed something very obvious: the father’s happiness when his son was accepted.

At the end of the eighth inning, Herbert’s team managed to score some runs but they were still behind on the scoreboard by three.

At the beginning of the ninth inning, Herbert put on a glove and played in the right field.

Although no ball came to Herbert, he was obviously ecstatic just for being in the game and on the field, smiling from ear to ear while his father encouraged him from the stands.

At the end of the ninth inning, Herbert’s team scored again. Now with two ‘outs’ and the bases full the race to get the win was a possibility and Herbert was the next to hit.

With this opportunity, would they let Herbert hit and give up the possibility of winning the game? Surprisingly, Herbert was at the bat.

Everyone knew that a single ‘hit’ was impossible because Herbert didn’t even know how to grab the bat correctly, much less hit the ball.

However, while Herbert stood on the base, the ‘pitcher’ recognized that the other team was willing to lose to give Herbert a great moment in his life, he moved a few steps forward and threw the ball very gently so that Herbert could at least make contact with her.

The first shot came and Herbert fanned awkwardly and failed.

The pitcher again took a few steps to gently throw the ball toward the batter.

This time Herbert fanned and hit the ball so softly that it fell right in front of the pitcher.

The game might have ended. The ‘pitcher’ could have picked up the ball and thrown it at first base.

Herbert would have been left out and would have been the end of the game. But, the pitcher threw the ball very high over the boy’s head at first base, out of reach of the rest of his teammates.

All the spectators in the stands and the players of both teams began to shout ‘Herbert runs to first base, runs to first’ never in his life Herbert had run that distance, but managed to reach first base. He ran right over the line, his eyes wide and startled.

Everyone shouted, ‘Run to second, run to second!’ Herbert, catching his breath, ran hard to second base.

By the time Herbert reached second base, the boy in the right-field had the ball. He was the youngest boy on the team and he knew he had the chance to be the hero of the day. He would only have to throw the ball to second base, but he had understood the intentions of the ‘pitcher’ and threw it too high, over the child’s head at third base.

Herbert ran to third base while the runners in front of him made a circle around the ‘home’.

When Herbert reached third, the children of both teams, and the spectators, all, were standing shouting ‘run to’ home ‘! Run’.

Herbert ran to the ‘home’, stood at the base with his arms raised, overflowing happiness, turned his head looking at his father … while (strange thing) the players of both teams cheered and hugged like the hero who hit the ‘grand slam’ and won the game for his team. ‘That day,’ said the father with tears running down his face, ‘the children of both teams conspired by giving this world a show of true love and humanism.’

Herbert did not survive another summer. He died that winter, never forgetting to have been the hero and to have made his father very happy, to have come home and to see his mother crying with happiness and hugging his hero of the day!

We have thousands of opportunities every day to help ‘the natural order of things’. A sage once said that: ‘Every society will be judged by how it treats the less fortunate … So, it is time that in this 21st century, our society has an awakening and sensitivity towards other people because for God we are all special.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if in my humanity I have focused on myself and not on helping others. Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom and sensitivity to attend and help others who have a situation in their lives and I can be a channel of blessing. I ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, you who have a loved one and with special needs, I want to tell you that you are not alone. Seek help in your community, church, and organizations that can give you the necessary tools to help your loved one. You just have to talk to someone and you will see how the doors of heaven open, that is Jesus. He will give you the wisdom, peace, strength, and resources to continue forward. Only love with intensity and help people who are special to our God.

Let us be judicious in not judging and sending messages that are not of blessing to others because you do not know their situation.