Woman you are special

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10

Recently, I was watching a movie “Working Mom” it was ​​about women and their role as mothers, their jobs, and their lives. In the film there were professional women, housewives, and especially wives. The most surprising thing about women is that no matter what social status we have, our body changes, our emotional state changes and everything around us is different than when we were young, with energy and desire to travel the whole world. Moreover, our priorities change and there comes a time when we doubt about the relationship with our partner, and many other things that happen to us over time. What really happens to us when there is a change in our body?

When analyzing the film,  the woman after a pregnancy her body and her emotional state changes. Also with time, that is, with age our bodies undergo changes. All these changes is what we call a hormonal change. After a pregnancy or with age there are women who are more sensitive, their behavior changes, there is what is called depression, and many do not want to recognize that they are no longer single young women, and we even think we have lost the “touch” in sexuality and our marital relationship many times it is impacted which causes us to look for new horizons, and so many other things that we women suffer or we go through when there are changes in our bodies. But, good thing, there is help for all of us.

We need to educate ourselves, we are not alone, and your partner has to be in the process of education. Many times we forget that we have a person who shares our life, our body, and other things. If the other person is not educated and does not understand what we are going through, they tend to fight, tend to think that we no longer love them, or even they run out of our lives. So, your partner has to continue being part of your process. Today, in our current days there is no macho man and it is not only our process, it is about two.

Your partner has to understand why your bad mood, why you are sensitive and cry for everything he tell you, he needs to know how to approach you in the intimacy, and above all we need help with children and household chores. The body of a woman is complicated, it is not easy to feel how we gain weight, how our breasts become food, how the work area and your professional career are impacted, and even the precaution that must be taken in the “famous” quarantine and not get pregnant again without planning or having your family plan. The family plan is not about one person but two people. So, you have to consider your economic status and many other things.

My dear friends, the woman is complicated and perhaps not understandable, but God reminds us that we are virtuous women, that we are precious pearls and that we are special for God. We were created from the rib, so we are strong, we are protective as is the rib to the heart. We are beautiful and it’s good that we change over time and that time is not to destroy us but to acquire more knowledge, more experiences and experiences that will help us overcome the obstacles that come our way. Well, we are truly powerful women, women who rise from the ashes, we are resilient. Smile, love, and you are beautiful because we are special in the world that God created and above all we are special in the heart of God.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord, forgive me if I have offended you. Today, I want to start over. Allow me to love my body and understand the process I am living as a woman.  Also, I hope that my partner can understand me and be by my side as well in all my stages of my life. I ask you in the name of Jesus, amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear women, you are not alone. How beautiful to know that we are unique, but above all that we need professional help and counseling to understand our bodies. The communication between you and your partner is important  all the time and to tell him how you are feeling.

My dear men, we, women, are really difficult and complicated. I know that many times you do not understand us and maybe you say “I cannot even talk to her”. But, today, I have good news for you; your wife loves you, she is still the girlfriend, the mistress, the wife, the mother, she is everything you have seen and lived over the years with her. You just have to love her, hug her, and listen to her, but above all be with her in difficult times and not run away from home. Seek professional help and assist with her. She needs you in those special days and especially in all the days of her life. The children will leave and the work ends but, only she will still be there in your life. Just, Love her!