
How beautiful you are, my darling. How very beautiful!  Song of Songs 4: 1

Women have long been devalued, marginalized, and mistreated. Since the history, we have read how much the woman has suffered. Even in the Bible we read how women have been discriminated against by men. Until one day, Jesus came to earth and broke with the pattern of the customs of the masculine society.

Jesus, loves and protects women. We read the case of the adulterous woman, when the men were going to stone her, Jesus said to them “He who is without sin be the first to throw the stone against her.” When they, heard this, accused by their conscience, they left (John 8: 1-11). Another case, when Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman when the Jews did not relate to each other (John 4: 4-53), even more, Jesus spoke to the woman who by that time man were not allowed to talk to woman. Also, Jesus let a woman of blood flow touch him (St. Mark 5: 24-34), when in those times a woman with blood flow was not allowed to be out of her house and had to get away from her husband because a woman with blood flow was considered herself unclean or impure.

Another case was when Jesus first appeared to the woman and allowed the woman to bring the message of resurrection to her disciples (Mark 16: 9-11). These are some examples of the women in the Bible and in the life of Jesus. Our God broke with the culture and customs of society. Jesus, always was surrounded by women, he gained trust and love (St. Luke 8: 1-3) and even they were the ones who followed him to the cross, did not turn away from his side. Jesus always condemned the mistreatment and repudiation of woman.

It is sad to know that even in this 21st century, women are mistreated and marginalized by society. But, today the time has come to remember that since the time of Jesus, He already has given the woman the rightful place. So much so, that God sent the woman to carry the message of resurrection to the disciples and the woman became a helpful resource for Jesus on earth. Jesus was concerned that the woman would not be left unprotected. Jesus came not only for man but also for the woman because God does not have favoritism among people.

To you woman, Jesus says : “Stand up, who accuses you? Have you forgotten the immense love I have for you?” Your time has come to wake up and rise in victory because your time is now. Woman, you are persistent, strong, tolerant, and tenacious, you have a spirit of service, you have tenderness, you are humble, you help your neighbor and give what you have, and many other qualities that are part of the extension of the kingdom of God.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am laying under your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have offended or failed you. I am in your presence, tired, sore, and tired by the circumstances that surround me. Sometimes I think I am not good for nothing, that I am weak, that I am ugly, that I am old, that I am very young, that I do not have a job, that I did not received the job promotion, that I am a single mother, that I feel lonely, that my self-esteem has decrease and that I forget who I really am.  Lord Jesus, dry my tears, lift me from the dust, cleanse me and do me again.

I want to rejuvenate myself in you with new vigor of victory, with new desire to live, with new strengths like the eagle and fly and fly until I reach rest in your presence. Today, I want to strip the old wings and the old peak in order to have new wings and to have a new peak to reach the highest heights and empower me as the woman I am. I love you Jesus because now I recognize that you have taken care of me, protected and sustained me. And by your grace, I am on my feet, I am empowered in your name and I raise my wings to reach the goals and a new peak to speak and defend my rights that once you, Jesus, you left settled here on earth for us women. I will not be afraid because you will always be by my side. Amen.

A friendly advice

My dear Friend, it is not a time of lamentations, it is not time to feel underestimated, it is not a moment of mourning, it is not a moment of sadness, it is not a moment of loneliness, it is not time to feel ugly, it is not time to consume yourself in a depression, it’s not time to feel that you cannot, it’s not the time …

The moment is now, it is time to rise up in victory and dry your tears. Get up, get ready (get dressed and make up). It’s the time of the woman. You’re beautiful. You are smart and wise. You are strong. You are wife, daughter, a friend, and other roles. You are workers. You are a leader. Empower yourself as a warrior in the Lord Jesus.

  • I recommend that you continue studying, educate yourself.
  • I recommend that you read and be informed of current events.
  • I recommend that you participate in society, church and / or community events.
  • I recommend you love yourself, make time for yourself. If you have children, talk to your husband or friend to take care of them for a couple of hours or pay a babysitter.
  • Go out and have fun.
  • In the professional field, give yourself the opportunity to explore new horizons such as the role of leadership.
  • Don not allow anyone who physically and mentally abuse you, search immediately  for help such as professional, pastor, or institutions that helps women.

Do not feel less than man, God loved us equally.

3 Replies to “Woman”

  1. I so agree with the empowering message you shared. Women need to be there for each other; women need to empower each other; but most of all women need to love them selves and empower them selves. Women need to explore the path of introspection, but not without asking God to enlighten that path, to recognize what it is not of need or use in their lives and for once and all get rid of it. Woman need to grab the hand of Jesus in that inner journey and renew with strengh and wisdom and courage and self-love and self-worth to claim victory, to spread wings and find true purpose. If He, Father Jesus, love us so dear; who are we not to love our selves?

  2. I so agree with the empowering message you shared. Women need to be there for each other; women need to empower each other; but most of all women need to love them selves and empower them selves. Women need to explore the path of introspection, but not without asking God to enlighten that path, to recognize what it is not of need or use in their lives and for once and all get rid of it. Woman need to grab the hand of Jesus in that inner journey and renew with strengh and wisdom and courage and self-love and self-worth to claim victory, to spread wings and find true purpose. If He, Father Jesus, love us so dear; who are we not to love our selves?

    1. Omayra,

      Thanks for your inspiring words. I totally agree with your words. We need to be able to empower ourself in order to continue our path. Moreover, that Jesus will be our strength on each step of our journey.

      Thanks for your comment!

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