
Wisdom and science are given to you; and I will also give you riches, goods, and glory, as the kings who have been before you never had, nor will those who come after you have. 2 Chronicles 1:12

I remember a story where a man asked God for wisdom, he didn’t ask for riches, he didn’t ask for health, just wisdom. I think this man was smart from the beginning. Wisdom is defined as a higher level of knowledge, therefore it has a deep understanding of some subject (https://definicion.de/sabiduria/). Many times we ask so many material things, but it is no use asking but we are wise how to handle them or manage them. Wisdom gives us the knowledge of making wise decisions and being good stewards of what we possess.

We have all lived through situations where decision making is necessary to continue the desired plan. Wisdom … to learn to listen to the ideas of others and visualize them beyond a simple idea. Wisdom … in learning to love the body, wisdom … in how to treat our lifestyle, wisdom … to manage the house and wisdom … to understand and respect our loved ones. Wisdom…

Wisdom … knowledge is necessary to feed it through readings or experiences of others, which can help see beyond what is written and understand beyond what a “normal” human being can understand. Wisdom … to listen and not judge without first investigating. Wisdom … to seal our lips. Wisdom … to understand what no one can understand. Wisdom … to be good stewards of what we possess. Wisdom … But where does this wisdom come from? It only comes from one who knows everything before the universe was formed, and that the “normal” mind cannot understand and is called by so many names that they cannot recognize who He is. Wisdom … Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I ask your forgiveness if I have not been able to recognize that without you I am nothing. Recognize that your grace and love have led me to forgive and forgive. But, above all, recognize that you, only you, are the one who grants the wisdom from above. Today, I ask for wisdom because the rest is additive. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, what can I tell you … Just be wise in making decisions. Listening, silence, reflect, and investigate are keys to reach a decision that is for the welfare of your lives. Pray and ask because God is always ready to listen to every request of your heart. You will not be given anything you cannot manage wisely. The good thing is that there are second chances because Jesus is a righteous God