
For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2: 6

Much is said about wisdom, but what is wisdom and what does it mean to have wisdom? First, we will define wisdom, according to https://www.wordreference.com:

Wisdom – It is the deep knowledge that is acquired through study or experience. It is also the Prudence, careful behavior and mode of conduct in life.

Now, when we read the Proverbs (Bible), wisdom begins from a fundamental principle “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord” (Proverbs 1: 7). Another key that gives us the book of Proverbs is that when someone possesses wisdom is because s/he follows the instruction of his father, and not despise the direction of his/her mother. A person with wisdom departs from sinners who want to deceive and destroy the innocent. A wise person guards the paths of judgment and preserves the path of righteousness. S/he is a fair person has equity and discretion. Also, a person with wisdom respects the law and keeps the commandments. Moreover, mercy and truth never depart from them. But, above all, a person who fulfills all the implications of a person with wisdom will have peace and above all, a long life.

We have enjoyed the wisdom and very few recognize that they have it. Sometimes we think of intelligence, but wisdom goes beyond human intelligence. Wisdom has profound implications and high responsibility. People who do justice and who do not give up before the temptations that the world offers. People who love their freedom and want the peace of the world and who respond to the needs but, above all, that the love of God has always been present in their lives.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if I have offended you and failed to keep your promises and commandments. Today, I want to ask you to give me the wisdom of what to do in order to make the right decisions. Wisdom to recognize the path of good and evil. Help me to stay faithful to you and not turn my eyes away from you, Jesus. I ask you in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to make a stop in the busy life that you lead. It is time to reflect and listen to your inner voice. Many times in the desire we lose our horizon and we do not take time to meditate and talk with God. It’s time, to take the helmet of faith and walk confidently that God will give you the wisdom from on high to make decisions that will help you and your family.

Before making a hasty decision, ask God for wisdom. Also, seek help from a professional in the area that you need help with. Pray, read the Bible, and attend a church.