Winning mental battles

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3: 3

Times we think we know everything. We try to find solutions or ideas in which many times we get tired and achieve nothing. We run out or get tired. There are even moments that we give up on the idea to later discover that your other idea has already taken advantage. What was the difference between you and the other person?  There was someone who despite their circumstances did not give up. Possibly, there were people around them shaking hands, had motivational words, but above all he did not quit.

Sometimes we think about our limitations but. God reminds us that you are special and important. You have abilities that the other person does not have. You are unique and like you there is no one like you. The enemy always looks for whom to devour. Attack your mind, come thoughts of discouragement, you say “I cannot”, that they have that and I do not, and many other things. Well, I want to tell you my dear friend, enough of victimizing yourself, life is not about cowardly but of those who get up every day to face the adversities of life. We must remember that we have someone who wins the battle and wins it all. If you have forgotten his name, is Jesus.

Don’t waste your time anymore. Get up! Your time is now. Who reaches the goal is the one who does not take off or quit, who despite its falls gets up. You may not run but, if you continue walking you will find that it was worth continuing the road. Who you are? You determine. If you are a warrior, if you are a winner, if you do not take off, if you trust the processes of life, and if your faith has remained as a flag or you are one that lets life’s opportunities pass. Remember, you are a child of God, you are special and unique. Do not compare yourself with anyone. Love yourself and continue towards your goals.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I come before your presence to ask for your forgiveness. Sorry if in my thoughts I have lost the opportunities that you, Jesus, have given me. Give me the wisdom and new strength to continue my goals. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to continue your march towards your dreams and goals. Do not give up. There are always people who can help you. Remember that you are not alone.