Who I am?

While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. John 9: 5

Sometimes in silence, we have asked ourselves “Who am I?” Society puts labels or stamps on us, names us, identifies us for something in particular, and even gives us nicknames or numbers to identify us from other living beings. Maybe for many, you are the doctor, be the caretaker, be the son or daughter of, the boss, the leader, the father, the mother, the brother, the sister, and so many other things that have called us but, who I am?

There comes a time in your life that you lose your identity, you lose your purpose here in this world, and even others look at you from afar because you do not belong to their social group, work, profession, school, race, beliefs or culture and they say ” Who is this? “The world we live in is full of so many ideological foundations that educate you to be the professional, they say how to dress, how to talk, they teach you values, they train you to have technical skills, what to do and what not to do, and the time comes that you stop and ask yourself, if I take away all this that the world has given me, who really I am? When you arrive at this point or space of your life and you give retrospect to your whole life, you still ask yourself: is it me or is it the person that the world wants me to be? So, it’s time to take the true direction of your life. There is a thought of Norman Vincent Peale that says

“A clean engine always delivers power so will a mind free of negatives thoughts. Therefore, flush out your thoughts give yourself a clean mental engine, remembering that a clean mind, even as a clean engine, always deliver power”.

Therefore, my dear friends, who I am? A question to reflect and eliminate anything negative from your mind that prevents you from being the wonderful, affectionate, kind person, full of feelings and emotions, who loves, who is free, and that God created in his image and likeness, full of wisdom, of health, full of compassion, sympathy, and that you were created to be light in this world. Do not let the circumstances or the people around you dictate who you are, but you will take a different step from the others and that is, be light. How? Giving entrance to Jesus in your life and that He is the one who destroys all the past that was in you and you are a resplendent vessel because from that moment you will be, you.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I come before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Dear God, I entrust to you about my life. Society is congested with so many negative thoughts and so many influences that I have lost the horizon of who I am. I ask my God that you are the potter of my life and that you make my life a very different one because what I am currently, is not what I want to continue being. I want to be light in this world and that everyone around me can see who I am in you, Jesus. I ask you in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we arrive at a point in our lives that we ask ourselves: who am I? And, we ask ourselves if the world sees us if it knows who we are, whether we exist or not, or are we one more point in this world? Well, look around you, and the truth is that there is no one like you. You are unique, you are special. Through time we were educated by culture, by society, and by the environment, we were raised, but that does not dictate who you are. Remember that you are unique. There are no doubles or even the twins are the same then, it has different characteristics and tastes.

What should you do? It is advisable to talk with someone professional or a pastor. It is time to take action in your life. Yes, my dear friends, you have to make changes if you want to start over.

  • Go to a church, read the bible, pray, meditate.
  • Take negative things out of your life, negative people that drown you and do not allow you to change or progress.
  • It’s time to love you.

When I think of parents, they continue to see you as a child. And, if you have children, they do not see the working man, they do not see money or unemployment, they do not see your failures or successes, your children see a human being that loves them, that cries and laughs with them, that embraces them and play with them and at that moment, you stop being the man or woman to be really who you are, a human being full of light for those who love you.

Peale, NV (2008). The power of positive thinking. Guidepost outreach Foundation. Condensed Edition.