When good times come, enjoy them; But when the bad ones come to you, think that both are the work of God, and that man never knows what he will find later. Ecclesiastes 7:14

Frustration … a feeling that is generated in a person when he cannot fulfill or satisfy a stated desire. The person usually reacts on an emotional level with expressions of anger, anxiety or dysphoria. There are more and more people in our society that life has no meaning. We question the processes that we live, sense of emptiness, illusion, hope and even frustration against God.

Many times we fear frustration in the family, at work, in marriage, in finances, in relationships, among things. We have feelings of frustration when we reach retirement or in the mid-life crisis at 45 or 50 years old. We come to a time in life when we ask ourselves so many questions. One wonders if it has been worth so much sacrifice, so much effort or we even wonder why? We come to a moment in life that when going through a disease process and even when the last years of life arrive, we wonder what all this has been? So many questions that lead us to a process of frustration.

Dear friends, work, studies, material goods and pleasures are good in themselves. They are facets of human life created by God for our good and enjoyment. The problem arises when they cease to be means, instruments and become an end in themselves. Thus. Frustration is not working but living to work; the negative is not surrendering to science but looking for the meaning of your life in it; the desperate emptiness of wealth appears when one seeks to fill the vital medium with them. When we consider these means as the reason for our life, then they become water that does not satiate, aspirin that does not relieve pain for more than a short time. The frustration is going to come, you cannot avoid it, but you can overcome it.

Prayer: open your heart

Lord Jesus, help me in times when I have been frustrated. Give me the wisdom from above to handle all the emotional states in my life. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

Dear friends, on many occasions we have been frustrated. There are times when a feeling of helplessness invades us. We may carry frustrations from home, work, marriages, finances, and many other things. Therefore, dragging this feeling of frustration and letting it build up is never the best option. Hence, it is important to manage them:

  • Acknowledge when you feel frustrated
  • Trust your potential
  • Know your limitations
  • Don’t take anything personal
  • Adjust your strategy
  • Meditate and commune with God