When everything seems distant

Let us hold firm, without fluctuating, the profession of our hope, because faithful is the one who promised. Hebrews 10:23

There are moments in our lives when everything seems distant … Maybe it does not make sense, maybe impossible to reach. As time passes, we think that there is no way out. Maybe my mind betrays me …

Relationships often seem distant over time. We see work as distant, and we begin to see things in life so distant. Is it frustration or are we falling into the abyss of depression? Loneliness invades us, a feeling of hopelessness invades us. Is it the passing of the years that we see everything from another perspective? Nothing seems the same anymore. It seems that we are at a crossroads and there is no way out. Is it that, with time, we return to nostalgia?

When everything seems distant, there is an inner force that tells me no, it is only a matter of time. It is a fight between light and darkness. It is leaving the cave where a light says get out and walk because I am the light. There is no distance between the light and me because it makes me think that we are one and that what seems distant to me is not so to my God. I despair in what seems distant, but my interior screams at me, wait a little longer and you will see that everything is close.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I want you to help me trust your processes. Amen,

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, many times we have lived times of uncertainty, Times that we understand is impossible to achieve or pursuit. Perhaps we think that time has passed, and that age may be an impediment. But you know something, nothing is far, it is just a matter of waiting a little longer so when the moment comes, we are ready to receive that long-awaited blessing.