What is in your basket?

Exodus 2:5 (Bible Reina Valera, 1960)

5 Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it.

We think many times that life is unfair and that the treatment is not the same for rich and poor. Are we wrong? Well, in this universe we have different planets, different people with their respective personalities and situations. Everyone of us has a basket full of many things in our lives. Only, only you know what you are carrying.

Life leads us through mysterious paths and paths that we say we were not meant to live. Paths of sorrow, paths of torment, paths that may lead us to death. But, one day, something happened to us… When all of a sudden our lives were floating on the edge of the precipice, someone saw us. They sent someone special to pick up our basket. That person received your basket and carefully opened it. To your surprise that pain, that heavy load… were opened to the light.

There are times that arrives in our lives where our heart needs to open and let go in order to continue on the path that light gives us. There are new opportunities and possibilities of life. For fear, we hide our pain which we carry for many years, what they will say, and the fear of rejection. We throw ourselves into the river without hope, without faith and to see what will happen to our destiny.

But, when someone picks up our basket you feel a relief, a hope that you are not alone, that someone saw you from afar and ran to help you. What a relief! Yes! Relief. We think we’re not eligible, but you know what? Yes, we are because you are important to the light, which is Jesus Christ. Forgive us our trespasses, cleanses, restores us and our life is another.

I don’t know what you load in your basket if it’s full of sadness and/or joys. But, how good it is to know that every day I can open my basket, clean it, discard the rotten, the old and put fresh and new things every day. Above all, that even though our basket is floating down the river of life there is a person who is watching over us and sending his angels to rescue our lives. You know who he is? Jesus.

Prayer. Open Your Heart

For a long time, I have loaded my basket full of so many memories that tormented me and I do not know what to do. But, before you, God, I ask you to forgive me and restore me. I don’t want to keep floating through life without hope and without certainty of where I’m going to fall. Lord Jesus, I ask you to come to my life and rescue me. Help me to cleanse my life that is full of so many afflictions and often I do not know what to do.

I ask you to cleanse my life, restore my way of living, and make every day a new one full of hope. I know that you, Lord Jesus, are in the process. Amen.

A friendly advice

Many times our situations are not easy and we alone cannot handle it. Don’t get discouraged. Seek the help of a professional or a pastor. Seek the direction of God, read the Bible, pray and fast. Go to a church of your choice (but I recommend that you go to a church that believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and above all that Christ will soon arrives as promised in his word).

Acts 1:11 “11 which they also said unto them: Men of Galilee, why are you looking at the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you to heaven, will come as you have seen him go to heaven. “