Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: “Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. Job 38: 1-3.

By any chance, has it happened to you that when you have plans there are always obstacles so that they are not fulfilled and discourage you from continuing? When God worries us to continue or do something that is unusual for human beings, it is often questionable for society. Well, when we break with the traditional and the usual, people often criticize, murmur, and even say that this happened to you because of …

This is life, full of uncertainties and so many moments that we do not know why we do it, but we follow that voice that tells you to do it and to trust. Many times, I hear people say, “listen to what God tells you, what your instinct or your heart tells you”. And, when taking the initiative, the support is almost nothing, only criticism and murmurings arrive commenting “this happened to you because of situation X or Y and that is why it has gone wrong”. This type of current situation makes me reflect on the case of Job (Bible).

Job, a man admired by many, a right and good man in the eyes of God. But, when he was touched by adversity, his friends asked him what sin or mistake he had committed before God. But you know something, my dear friends, today we cannot listen to those who criticize us because they are stopped in time; and you have taken the action that they failed to do because of what others will say. I want to tell you, my friends, that I admire you for the courage to continue and not be guided or influenced by what others will say but because you heard the voice of God within you. Therefore, He will help you fulfill the purpose that he has in you, the abundance in your life. God bless you for covering your ears in the face of adversity and fulfilling God’s purpose in your life.

Prayer: open your heart

Lord Jesus, thank you that you for teaching me to do your will and act when others have said no. Thank you for your protection and for helping me fulfill the mission you indicated to me, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to listen to the inner voice that speaks to your mind and heart. That voice is God speaking to your life, silently, when everyone else is focused on their things and not on God’s plans. Listen and ask for direction, pray for God to enlighten you.

Remember that there are people close to you who are about to make the gesture, but they are not the ones who help you to overcome yourself but rather put obstacles in your way. Well, it is time to put the big load behind you and move towards your goal. Walk and run if you must, but don’t stop. Seek help from people who see your mission and are available to help you achieve your goals that are aligned with God’s plans for your life.