Value life

Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher; vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Ecclesiastes 1: 2

Recently, I went out for a walk in the city and decided to see how the current market is after a pandemic. To my surprise, there were people standing in long lines to enter the different shops. Wow! How it is possible that after a pandemic where we have been locked up for so long, the lines were not for food but, for accessories such as clothing, shoes, brand purses and I asked what they want those material things for when perhaps they are locked up, perhaps they no longer have a job. And, with the crisis, they prefer to invest in material things when perhaps they have other basic needs such as self-education, getting out of debt, health care, home, and basic things that we can live with. Therefore, I wondered, are people still governed by the discount and not by some basic realities?

Sadly, that’s how it is; a red sign with a percentage symbol screaming come into my business. Businesses that were impacted by the pandemic where they stopped producing, where merchandise screamed “another time of year has arrived and the season has passed”. The truth is, the percentages were tempting, but the time of the pandemic taught me to control my emotions and value money before a crisis. The crisis taught me that I must keep my accounts up to date, that vacations with my family are important, that money is of high value when there is no longer a job, that food is critical to sustain my home and that health is essential than a branded purse that will only be in the closet when you need it.

Time to value life, and give the value it deserves. There are things in life that are important and the material fades with time. Vanity of vanities, within time is nothing. But, assessing that there are other priorities where to invest my money is more important than a discount on clothes, shoes, and purses. I do not know about you, my dear friend, but there are things that we must be investing for a future so uncertain for some and for others a future full of fullness. How you decide to invest your life and your future is only up to you.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence asking your forgiveness if I have not taken the best alternatives. Today, I want you to help me make the most correct decisions and know how to be good stewards of what you have given me. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, what can I tell you … Please be wise people, think before investing your money in things that are material. Invest to have a successful future such as your finances, your health, your emotional state, and your spiritual life. There are people or agencies that are dedicated to helping you in these stages of your lives. It is never too late to seek help.