Upon waking

If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. Psalm 139: 18.

When we wake up … many of us stretch, give a big breath, many do not want to get up, others give thanks for one more day of life, and perhaps many get up stressed out thinking how they will spend the day. So, no matter your mood, the important thing is that when you wake up … it is the beginning of a new opportunity. So, why not make the most of it?

I was reading one of the messages that one of my sisters sent me, which I wish to share with you. The message is one of millionaire mind which was sent and said:

When I woke up this morning I was wondering what am I going to do with my life?

And right there in my room, I found the answer…

The roof told me: You can get high.

The window told me: Look and enjoy how wonderful there is in the universe.

The clock told me: Value!!! Every second of your life counts.

The mirror told me: Self-examine yourself before acting.

The calendar told me … Update yourself! Live the present.

The door told me: Open your mind and heart to listen to your goals.

The floor told me: Kneel down and never forget to pray to God.

As I read this message, I believe that the key to waking is to kneel and thank God for one more chance of life. Thank you for allowing us to continue with what we left pending. Thank you because we can have the opportunity to resolve this. Thank you for allowing us to love and forgive. Thank you for living the present with greatness without knowing if tomorrow our eyes will open to see the light.

Time to live your present in a special manifestation where God’s love immerses us.

Live fully!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if my mind starts to accelerate and without realizing it, I have forgotten that the giver of life is you, Jesus. Let me open my eyes every morning to see your presence in my life and in my whole family. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, when your eyes see the light of each dawn remember to thank God for life and the opportunity to do or improve what you have already begun to do. Ask for wisdom, strength and above all peace. Enjoy your family, your friends, your work and everything you do as if it were the last and you will see that the present will take you to another level.