Under the Rain

and the rain fell, the torrents came, the winds blew and beat that house; but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. Matthew 7:25

In our lives there are so many situations that many times we do not know what to do. Illness comes to us, death comes to us, divorce comes to us, unemployment comes to us, so many negative things come to us while we immerse ourselves in silence and despair, leading to depression. A depression that prevents us from acting, prevents us from thinking, and even suicide passes through our mind as a solution. A storm has hit us!

An inexplicable storm has come to us, an unexpected rain has come to us that floods our lives. Many factors while we wonder what happened to us? How had it happened? How did we not realize? Or possibly, we realized it, but did not want to accept our reality. A reality that became an ignorance, but that sooner or later was formed in a storm, a hurricane. And our life was left in a warning of sudden rains that collapsed our existence. Rains …

Rains that we do not know how to stop so that our lives do not collapse. We shout at the sky, we blame God, we blame our environment, and we no longer know who else to blame. Until we look in the mirror and see our reality, me. Then, we start to blame ourselves and we curse the moment. But you know my dear friends, the truth is that Noah was still 40 days and 40 nights under that flood, but if we read the story well, the sun came out, they only had to wait a little longer until they reached the mainland.

Take advantage of every moment and even the rain to dance. Remember, maybe we get wet, we dance while we cry so that no one sees our tears. But you will come out of that rain, you will dry off, you will change, and you will begin to see life from another perspective. The storm, the hurricane, and even the rain will not persist forever because the sun will rise and you will reach the mainland. Look around you and give thanks for the rain because it makes us grow as a person.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I want to acknowledge that without you I will not have the strength or the wisdom to make the right decisions. Help me to see my life and my circumstances through your gaze of love and mercy. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, depression is not easy. The circumstances we live in are not either. But, of one thing I am sure that you are not alone.

This is no time to blame yourself. It is time to learn and recognize where we can improve. Every situation such as illness, death, divorce, finances, family, and so many other things that happen to all of us in life is because there is a reason and purpose that we do not understand right now.

Do not allow circumstances to lead you to make decisions that impacts your present and future.

Think, meditate, seek help, but above all pray and talk to God because only in him will you find the necessary strength to continue forward.

Remember dance in the rain because soon the sun will rise.