Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, raise up the devastated places of old, and restore the ruined cities, the devastated places of many generations. Isaiah 61: 4

My dear friends, we are beginning a New Year full of challenges and new adventures. Many good things await us this year. Let’s not look at the physical, but look around  from the spiritual eyes.

I was recently walking through an area where all the buildings were beautiful. Its external beauty as well as its interior left me with my mouth open. The details, the decoration, and the construction style were magnificent. But, as I walked I found a building under reconstruction where my expression was “that ugly, horrible thing, who is going to enter that place?”. Everything seemed old. When walking and seeing this structure I said “This part is ugly” and my husband tells me “Well, it is under reconstruction”.

Hearing this part of the reconstruction made me pause. How many times is our life under reconstruction and our friends or family do not come close because we are no longer the same as before? There are no more activities, no gifts, and other things that ceased because everything was lost and we had to start again. At the beginning of a stage in our lives there is a reconstruction. We remove old, obsolete, and so many other things to start a new era in our lives.

Perhaps my dear friends for many of us we are stories, we are not the same … But how beautiful it is to know that when we put ourselves in the hands of God our life goes through a transformation event like the butterfly. We become beautiful and with a light that will shine on us and will attract the attention of someone who once told you that you are no longer the same. Well, that’s right; we are no longer the same because we are light.

Prayer: open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence to ask your forgiveness if I have failed you. Today, I am in your presence to ask you to be my potter and that my life be one full of light in you. I ask it in your name. Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends start a new year, it is never too late to make changes in our lives. Seek help as it is never too late. Remember that you are not alone.