True love

The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness, I have drawn you”. Jeremiah 31:3.

I was reviewing my Facebook and I found a message that captivated my gaze, which I proceeded to read. A part of the message said:

“In love, you have to be honest, love someone without excuses and without pretexts. It is time to stop walking, loving one day, the other not. To love requires a lot of honesty, sincerity, security, and courage. “

As I read and reflect on this passage, I remembered the spring that has already begun in the Northern Hemisphere, which feels an atmosphere full of color and fresh air that captivates us all. Even more so in the month of April we celebrate and remember the love of Jesus on the cross. Two great events, where I feel that the combination of both leads us to explore new vigor in our lives.

The character of Jesus is based not only on his love but on justice. God is love, that even though He is aware of our sins and that we are often unworthy, Jesus reminds us that with eternal love He has loved us and therefore, prolongs his mercy. Moreover, it also reminds us that He is God of opportunities. The greatest demonstration was his love when he gave his life for all of us. Therefore, his love was given without excuses and without pretexts, his love does not love one day or another no. His love is permanent, never changes, it is the same as yesterday, today and forever. His love was to such a degree or magnitude that it required honesty, sincerity, security and above all courage to die for you and me.

It is unfortunate how people misunderstand the love of Jesus. There are people who think that since He is a God of love, everything will be fine and that he will never judge us. The love of God is also justice. Therefore, He reminds us that only the righteous will see his face (Psalm 11: 7). Hence, all those who have recognized that Jesus is their God and Savior have accepted the most beautiful gift of their lives, the forgiveness of their sins. On the other hand, those who have not accepted this beautiful gift are under the judgment of God. But, how good it is to know that Jesus is still like spring, giving us new opportunities every day to believe in Him. This reflects his immense love for his creation and humanity. The sacrifice of the cross gave us entrance to approach Him.

My dear friends, the love of God will always be present, He will not abandon you, will not cause you pain, and will not break your heart. When you feel that your life is to tear it down, without direction and aimlessly remember the love of God for you. Look at the cross and remember that it was not the nails that held Jesus on that cross, but his love for you and me!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am before your presence with my heart in my hand and moaning from so much pain. I have experienced everything, I have left everything, and today I am naked before your presence. I want to approach you today and ask for your forgiveness. Forgive all my sins and make me a new person in you. May the blood that you shed on that cross of Calvary purify my soul and my body, I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it’s never too late to start over. Always there are new opportunities to amend our mistakes and start over. And, if you understand that your mistake is difficult to amend, do not worry because God will give you the wisdom to handle every issue. I recommend you, this month that we are in Lent, therefore, there are many churches open to receive you. Visit one of your preferences and celebrate life in Jesus. Jesus is a God of love and justice, take advantage of this new opportunity in your life.