
Serve the LORD with fear; and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11.

For several days our land of Puerto Rico trembles. But, not only Puerto Rico trembles, there are several places that have been impacted by earthquakes, volcanoes, climatic changes, rumors of war among other events that have impacted the normality of people’s daily lives. Some people staring at the glass of water, many do not sleep, many stop doing their normal life because fear has reached their lives. The question is, who have we trusted?

I was reading a few words from my brother that said: “Remember that there are people who do not tremble at his presence (God), so He makes us tremble in his own way.” Many times our hearts have cooled, we no longer feel compassion for the needy, people kill, as well kill each other not only with a firearm but also with their tongues, over time that brotherhood love has been lost, values have disappeared, we say good to bad and good to bad. We think about the material things, we think that we are unique and that we deserve everything, and the love for the family has been lost, the distance has separated many people not only physically but emotionally. We think of so many things, that we come to depression and fear invades us to such an extent that we forget that we depend totally on God.

Humanity may determine certain things, but when the earth groans, only God is in control. God has designed the world in a spectacular way to remind us that he is God. He reminds us that his majesty is unique and that no one or a human being can match his power or know his plans. Empty churches … empty places … as if God did not exist. God shakes us and tries to expose his cause, but the man who says he believes in Him is the first one who trembles and stops trusting in the power of the Magnificent. The earth shakes, groans and cries because we were bad stewards, but that does not imply that God’s love and mercy are still in force. Just look for his presence more and remember who your God is. The protector, the supplier, the healer, the God of the impossible. If God takes care of the birds of the field as not you, you are his perfect creation. As one of my sisters says, “What better it would be to tremble at his presence and honor Him. But, many people prefer to tremble with earthquakes.” It is time to lift your spirit and praise your God in the midst of circumstances. Times of worship but, above all, humiliation and forgiveness.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence in humility and humiliation to ask you to forgive me. Today, I want to have my peace of soul and live in confidence that you, Jesus, take care of my life, my family, my country, and my property. That nothing moves if it is not by your power. That you remind us that you love us and takes care of us. Thank you for your complete coverage, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to be prepared in all facets of your life. We live in difficult times, but much of what happens on our planet has been caused by the same man. Maybe the repair is a bit late, but nature has to do its job. What can we do?

  • First, seek God and trust fully in Him. Attend your Church of preference, do not stop attending. Your faith is also proven. Be judicious in your walk.
  • Second, prepare with all the necessary resources such as water, medicines, and everything that has been taught through time for when natural moments come such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and others.
  • Third, if you need help, look for it. Go to your community, government, churches, and non-profit organizations, among others. Do not wait for the last moment to act.
  • Fourth, continue with your normal or routine life, the world continues and so do you.