
“That each one of you knows how to have his own wife in holiness and honor” 1 Thessalonians 4: 4.

Today we are living an era where trust, love, mutual respect between couples has been lost leading to the relationship to chaos and treason or adultery that often lead to divorce. It is sad to see how couples of many years of marriage have suffered destruction from the enemy, which uses another non-believer of God to be part of a marriage division. The enemy, the devil, is using his last cartridges to destroy the family. It’s time to tell the devil, that’s enough!

We have to be alert to the signs of smoke that often occurs in the marriage since with the eagerness of day to day many times we do not pay attention to the details until it reaches the edge of the precipice, “I want a divorce”. We say “What?” Why? As a step?” These are questions that come out of our mouths. But, today I have to tell you that God is a God of love and what He unites never separates man. Matthew 19: 6 says “So they are no longer two, but one flesh; therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate him.” Although we also know that God says in his word that infidelity is a cause of divorce. I also want to point out that abuse is also not tolerable because God commanded us to love and respect the other person as if he/she represents their own body. Sadly, when the person who did not know how to control his mind and body awakens from deep sleep, he/she realizes that it was a serious mistake.

Adultery and abuse cause harm and pain, so the consequences are:

  1. It causes harm to the other person you love. An adulterer or misbehavior with the spouse is a sin and they are serious sins that Jesus considers it a reason for divorce. But, you know my dear, when you approach God in spirit and truth, and you ask forgiveness from God and your loved one, God begins a process of restoration in your life as well as in your partner who was hurt by the situation. When a glass breaks and sticks again there are still scars, but it is not until the potter restores it, He makes it again and the results are perfect. Well, that’s how Jesus works, when He unites your relation again, trust, respect, and love flourish again. Let’s give time to that restoration to God. Be patient, if you still love.
  2. It causes irreparable damage. Although God can forgive the person causing the harm, not all people will forgive the person easily. The reputation will be damaged and the devil, Satan, will begin to enter your mind to harass you with feelings of guilt. So, dear friend, it will take time for the other person to take the time to forgive, but do not give up. Conquer your partner again. Love her/him as if it were the first time, place your trust in God and return to Jesus. Many times on the path of life we forget that the foundation of relationships is Jesus.
  3. It is a sin against the Lord, Jesus. Remember the story of Joseph when he faced the temptation of the wife of Potiphar (Genesis 39: 9) “There is no other greater than me in this house, and he has reserved nothing for me except you, because you are his wife; How, then, would I do this great evil, and sin against God?” Joseph acknowledged that it is a sin against the Lord. Joseph ran so he runs away from temptation. My dear friend, knowing that you do not know how to control your mind and body then run against temptations, it is brave and not cowardly. When you do not know how to face temptation it’s time to run and not look back. God has given us his Spirit in us, and unfortunately, we let it go out because we believe that this is something for the human. But, in this world full of so much evil you cannot fight your war, your situation or circumstances of pain alone. Only in Jesus, can you find peace and a new life.

Dear friend, it is not easy to live treason. Only in Jesus can you find comfort and peace. It is not a time of reproach because marriage is not one but two people where love united them and they took it to the altar so Jesus became the center of their lives. Never make immediate decisions, take time to reflect on what happened to the relation, where both failed, and what are the consequences such as the family, children, jobs, and even church (if they hold leadership positions). Set an objective to live a life in Jesus. God will do and take justice, Jesus calls us to live a pure marriage. Everything of the past will be erased and will give you a new life with everything necessary to lift your relationship again. Do you believe it?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness for all the damage I have done to my partner. Forgive me, Jesus, I feel impure, I feel that I have failed you, my beloved wife, and my family. Give me the wisdom and the word to approach my spouse and ask for forgiveness for everything that happened and that my beloved one can be receptive to what I am going to say. Transform my life, Jesus, and make me again like the glass in the hands of the potter. Amen.

Friendly Advice

Today, I want to tell you:

To you who failed your partner:

  1. First, you have to forgive yourself.
  2. Second, once you resolved your situation and it will not happen again. It’s time to approach your spouse and ask for forgiveness.
  3. Third, if the person forgives you, it is time to reconquer. The wounds do not heal overnight, there is a process. But, when you leave it to God, God’s process is different. You just have to be patient. Remember that the glass is broken, and needs the potter.
  4. Seek professional help. Seek help from counselors, psychologists who believe in the restoration of marriages or pastors or ministers of the church of preference.
  5. Never hurry to ask for a divorce.
  6. Remember that there are dependents (children or family) who depend on you. Do not be selfish, do not think of yourself. There are people involved, home expenses, sickness, and other things which both are responsible for. Do not leave the total weight to a person. Money does not buy everything.
  7. And, from now on, love your partner more, respect her/him more because the person gave one more chance to the relationship.

To you who are suffering from treason

  1. Learn to forgive yourself. Love yourself! What did you stop doing to love yourself?
  2. Time to heal wounds. Remember that the relationship is two. Both failed. Probably, you never realized by the eagerness of life what was happening, we have to reflect.
  3. Forgiving is not easy. So, I recommend you to seek professional help from a counselor, psychologists who believe in the restoration of marriages, pastors or ministers of the church of preference.
  4. Never rush to give him/her a divorce
  5. Trust in God, put God first in your life and home. God is a God of restoration, healing, and forgiveness.
  6. God takes justice. God listens to the person who cries and groans in pain. That other person God will take care to get her/him out of the middle of the relationship.
  7. When your heart has healed and you have given a new opportunity to your partner, it is time not to bring the issue to light in any discussion. Yes, there will always be a discussion, because it is part of the process of two people who are different.
  8. Learn to communicate, not in the discussion, but in peacefulness.
  9. Ask for wisdom from God to handle difficult situations such as finances, children, jobs, studies, and many other things.
  10. But, above all, may God be the center of your life and your home again.

My dear friends, perhaps many of you have suffered the divorce process and have remarried with another person, do not allow to repeat the same story.

Note: Be wise, look for the necessary help to help you, you are not alone. There are many associations that help the mistreated woman or man.