This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 New Living Translation (NLT).

All of us in a moment have experienced the processes of transitions in our lives. The transition is defined as an action and effect of moving from one state to another ( Many times during the transition process we go through different changes such as the physical, emotional and mental state. In the field of psychology, they indicate that many times the individual goes through certain changes in the behavioral flow that is accompanied by a change in the environment (Santoyo, 2014).

Understanding what the transition means, I can tell my dear friends that the transition stage is associated with changes in behavior based on the environment. Our lives are like the different stages of a butterfly. The metamorphosis arises in the butterfly, where this biological process includes physiological and structural changes until it becomes a beautiful butterfly.

It is not easy for those of us who have lived through processes of transitions such as a change of job, school, new community, change of environment such as the militia to civil life, a cultural change, even from being single to married and vice-versa, and even having children. Everything changes when there is a transition process. We are all filled with fear, despair, and not to knowing what awaits us in a new stage of our lives. Many times we do not know where to go or what to do. Moreover, we often feel like the caterpillar (it is a stage of the butterfly) where it is enclosed within a protective capsule known as pupa or chrysalis. Therefore, many times we do the same, where many times in our transition we leave, we hide and do not search for help to get out of the capsule.

Getting out of the comfort zone is not easy, the unknown is not easy, it is not easy not to know what awaits us outside the capsule. But one thing I’m sure, that sooner or later we have to get out of the capsule since the oxygen is over and we can die if we do not activate or break the capsule. Well, it’s time to emerge as the butterfly. At the beginning when the butterfly leaves its capsule its wings are fragile, but when they adapt to their new environment their wings stretch and strengthen. Also, you can see in the butterfly the beautiful color and its unique design that its wings carry and that is where they begin to fly and explore new horizons.

My dear friend, do you know something? You should not fear the unknown or your uncertain future because Jesus says to you: “It’s time to get out of your capsule and fly like the butterfly.” You are unique, you are special and Jesus will never abandon you, He will always take care of you and yours. Jesus also says to you: “See that I command you to be strong and courageous; do not fear or be dismayed, for Jehovah your God will be with you wherever you go.” Dear Friend, it is time to fly and show the world your beautiful wings because you are unique. And, it’s good to know that you will not be alone in the middle of your transition because Jesus goes with you.

Reference: Santoyo Velasco, Carlos (2014). Observación y Análisis De Transiciones Conductuales En Un Escenario Preescolar.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have offended you and I have failed you. Today, I come before you to ask you to help me in my transition. I do not know what awaits me, I do not know my future, but if I recognize that you, Jesus, help me, you will give me the resources and the people that will help me in my transition. Thank you for your promise because I know that where I go you will be with me. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friend, it is time to leave the comfort zone, it is time to start new projects in your life, and it is time that your dreams come true. It is time to live the unknown, it is time to live big and live fully everything God has prepared for you.

Do not be afraid to fail because new experiences emerge within failures. Those experiences that you lived will soon be used in your favor. Dear friend there are many people around you who can help you is that you have been in your capsule, but when you leave that capsule you will see the different colors that life offers you.

Seek help, communicate with people, and listen to your surroundings because there is always information and resources that can help you in your transition. But, above all, pray and ask our God for direction because He will always take you to a safe harbor.