To you mom

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen [asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, God will bring with Him those who [b]sleep in Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-14.

I share with you another acrostic (English version looks different) by A.L. in this month of April, remembering the life of a woman who gave me life and seven other siblings. We will always remember her. Her teachings and love will never cease to be in us. We will love you forever, Mom!

Acrostic by A.L.


A virtuous woman, whoever finds her, with a pearl of wisdom and strength that gives us lessons and teach us to love and be able to put the armor of faith and love in front of any battle and go beyond the ultimate consequences…

Unconditional love, capable of forgiving even the impossible, she inspires tenderness through her smile, imparting peace in the middle of the tribulation…

My mom! The wonderful woman that God gave me; she meditated in the silence of the night, searching for answers … but only God and silence were witnesses of your quiet sadness because so great was the love that you prefer to keep silent to avoid the suffering of yours …

Inspiration created by God, the perfect mold of the true meaning of a mother like you … Mom!

Oh! How grateful of our Lord, because although the sadness seizes for a moment and cracks me, it opens the way to be marked in our hearts, you left a watermark and the satisfaction in our hearts of the true meaning that inspires your name!

Love, Nobility, Tenderness, Pride, Nostalgia, Inspiration, Dawn … that’s you, Antonia!

Thank you, mom, because there is hope to see you again.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I ask your forgiveness if I have failed you. Thank you for allowing us to have a mother who loved us and her love was unconditional. Also, we thank you for this day, remembering that you resurrected and gives us life. Thank you for your love and mercy.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we will have lost a loved one, but it is good to know that we will always remember them as we will always remember that Jesus was resurrected. Let’s not cry anymore, rejoice and celebrate life.

2 Replies to “To you mom”

  1. Pienso q somos nosotros los hijos q escogemos nuestros padres! Los q nos darán enseñanza y de ellos aprendemos! Los q necesitamos para avanzar espiritualmente en esta vida! Nosotros y ellos! Creo….espero….porq a mi madre la escogí yo, porq todavía la amo con todas las fuerzas de mi alma, como a mis dos hermanas (tu madre) y la mayor, q se están con su madre en ese mundo lleno de amor!

    1. Gracias Norma por tus palabras! Me haz hecho llorar, pues yo tambien escogi a mami y siempre la amare con todas mis fuerzas. Norma, Gracias por estar presente en mi vida y en la de mi madre!

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