Time teaches

Teach us to count our days in such a way that we bring wisdom to our hearts. Psalm 90:12

It has been several months since the announcement of the pandemic. A long time locked up taking care of us and without leaving. Summer is here and the doors are closed. And, when looking at the trees through the window, we see how time has passed since there is a change in the color of their branches and others losing their branches. Autumn has arrived!

Time has passed, time that we stop enjoying the outside to keep us alive. Times which perhaps we do not pay attention to nature. But, nature was grateful for that time. During this time many changes arose. Changes that impacted the way we do the same day after day. The routine became for many the desire to value what we had before. Others thank you for that time because family relationships improved, others discovered the opportunity to say hello to their loved ones. The way we communicate has change. Therefore, our way of doing things was changing our way of living.

Difficult times which taught us the way to love and live. Times that we stop living in appearance. Times that taught us to value what surrounds us. Times taught us to value being loved. Time taught us that we cannot live alone. Times that taught us, that what we have is enough to live. Times taught us that without God you can do nothing. Live, just live life from now on in a unique and genuine way. Do not wake up thinking about what you will do tomorrow, but live the day as if it were your last, live fully.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if time has passed and I have not been able to bend my spirit before your presence. Today, I want to acknowledge and thank you for the opportunity to live in difficult times, especially for your protection and care. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to get up and take action on your life. It is time to value things because in everything there is a learning purpose. It is never too late to start over. Seek help from a health professional such as a psychologist, friend, or someone you trust. Remember that the power is in you. You are special.