Everything has its opportune moment; there is a time for everything that is done under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Time… how fast and slow at the same time. When we look back on what we have experienced, we realize all that we have experienced. Some of us have cried, we have laughed, we have lost a loved one, we have had ups and downs, but despite all our experiences we have remained standing.

Perhaps our strength is exhausted; and we think that we cannot continue, but our God reminds us that with Him everything is possible. Getting started is an uphill process, and even more so if we have failed in the attempt. How many people encourage us to continue, and others may make fun of you behind your back, but no matter what they say or do, everything depends on oneself. Therefore, do we allow ourselves to be overcome by circumstances or do we decide to climb the mountain?

Time is our best friend. The important thing is that we do not give up. Perhaps there are moments when we don’t see the results and we despair, but how good it is to know that the world is still turning, and time is a tool to start the march. Maybe it doesn’t make sense, but I am sure of one thing that time is defined by oneself and not by others.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking you for wisdom and new strength to continue climbing the mountain. Be you my refuge in the midst of every circumstance, I ask it in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, do not allow people to direct your present and future. Just ask God to enlighten you to continue. He asks for the wisdom from above to make the best decision. Don’t let the moment dictate your future. You have the power to change your present. Time is your best ally. When you look back you will see that it was worth continuing. Do not give up, I believe in you.