
Because my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said Jehovah. Isaiah 55: 8

I was reading Eillen Caddy’s book God spoke to me, and I want to share with you a portion of that book called Expand in Consciousness. This reading allowed me to acknowledge that we really have to get out of the paradigm and what society dictates since everything will depend on opening your mind to new possibilities but never losing perspective that nothing is impossible when you are fully aware of God.

Expand in consciousness

Expand in consciousness; Stay ready to accept anything now, at any time.

You will begin to realize that you are living the reality, that what recently seemed fantastic, now you can accept it with everything. Deep changes must occur in all of you. Accept them, follow them, without opposing anything.

The vibrations are rising rapidly at this precise moment. Keep your minds and your hearts open and rise with the vibrations.

Anything can happen when a group is gathered and is a heart and a single mind.


Caddy, E. (2007). God spoke to me. Argentina: Casa matriz. P.20

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for forgiveness for failing you. I am asking you that my thoughts are not my thoughts; but that your thoughts are my thoughts. Allow me to understand your love and mercy as you see humanity.  Allow my infinite mind to see the light of your power in me, I ask it in your name Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we live in such a polluted society, spiritually speaking. It is time that our minds and thoughts are occupied by a close relationship with God. The enemy of souls takes every opportunity to attack your mind with negative ideas and bad intentions, so it is time to stop and seek immediate help.

It is time to breathe, take control of your mind and enjoy the things around you. What does it matter how the weather is? Everything depends on you how you see life, overcome obstacles, resist your dark thoughts and the sorrows that invade your heart. It is time for a new awakening, raise your eyes to the sky and you will see that you will find peace.