The way

Thomas said to him: Lord, we don’t know where you are going, how can we know the way? Jesus said to him: I am the way, the truth, and the life; No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14: 5-6.

Sometimes we have found ourselves at a crossroads in our lives. We stop because we do not know which way to choose. We question, analyze, ask, and many times we remain stuck in the same place with fear of a decision that will impact our present and future. That’s where God reminds us in his word “I am the way.”

When reading Eillen Caddy’s book, God spoke to me, I found one of the readings that talks about the crossroads, which I want to share with you

The crossroads

All souls are presented with a crossroads in their lives and there they stop and choose. Is the road to the new, to the unknown, to be taken with faith, or is the family route where the comforts

My son, I say to you: “Seek first the Kingdom of heaven” Put Me before everything and everything will settle into its true place. You will see everything in its proper perspective.

It is not really a difficult choice; It is only resistance and being possessive that makes it difficult.

Love me above all things and everything will be simpler, I tell you that this is a life full of genuine joy and happiness when it is fully and unreservedly accepted.

May your heart be light, because life is very good.

How true it is that within that crossroads, God reminds us to seek the guidance of our God. Therefore, everything is simpler and we choose the path, which perhaps unknown and uncertain, but with the assurance that God takes care of us and guides us to reach a safe place. No matter the obstacles along the way, we will be secure that we will be victorious because God is our refuge and guidance.


Caddy, E. (2007). God spoke to me. Argentina: Casa matriz. P. 20.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence forgive me if my thoughts and insecurity have not allowed me to follow the path you desire for me. Today, I want to walk in the light of your presence in everything I undertake. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, choosing the right path is not easy. Many times we have met at that crossroads and thinking about what would happen if I choose the wrong path. So, when we get to ask ourselves this question, it is time to seek direction in God. We don’t know what awaits us on that uncertain path, but I am sure of one thing. that with God in front we will arrive safely.