The Water Lily

See how the flowers of the field grow. They don’t work to make her dress. But I assure you, not even King Solomon, in all his glory, dressed like one of them. Luke 12:27.

The water lily is an aquatic flowering plant that grows in lakes, ponds, swamps, or slow-flowing streams. It is there when the oxygen level is low and the conditions are not ideal is where the water lily expresses all its majesty. This flower is considered as a symbol of the transmutation of human suffering into enlightenment. They say that this flower reminds us that even in the midst of dirt and chaos, the being of light that we carry within can flourish in each one.

There are a variety of beautiful flowers such as rose, lilies, orchids, and many other flowers that have their own majesty. But, when we see the simplicity of the water lily flower, we see that it does not compete for beauty or aroma, but rather remains in that place such as the swamp or slow waters. At night this plant closes on its own petals. And, so in a moment rest comes to our lives. So, many times our life is like the water lily.

What many of us do not know is that the roots of this plant are deep and are nourished where it is. We hardly see the beauty of this flower. Well, maybe the environment turns out to be a grotesque one because we focus on the environment. We thus cease to appreciate the beauty of the water lily flower. Many times the human being focuses on the environment that surrounds people and we do not see the beauty that the person offers in their environment. Possibly, there is stillness, where apparently everything is dead, and the conditions are not right, but that person builds a beautiful pond. A pond where its roots are solidified in a mind full of wisdom where there is always a new dawn and where its petals will open to beautify its surroundings every day.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, allow me to be like the water lily flower that, regardless of its environment, gives beauty in the middle of its habitat. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to stop criticizing. It is time to open our minds to the supernatural. When your mind is on the supernatural place; your environment will become one of blessing.