The unexpected

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Isaiah 55: 8

It is February 14, perhaps for many there were plans and for others perhaps not. But, this day there was an unexpected event and the day surprised us with a snowfall that had not occurred in the place I live for a long time. Perhaps the plans had to be canceled due to bad weather, for others they spent it alone, other people decided to enjoy the night with the family or another alternative that may have occurred to them at that time.

You know, sometimes we think that we are alone, for others we say times that love is all the time. And, yes, love must be cultivated all the time and not just on one day. Time makes us think that we can plan, but our Creator changes plans. Our Creator, the Lord Jesus, reminds us that everything we do is not by our own strength but by the love of our Creator.

We must appreciate all the unexpected, all that we did not expect, because within the unexpected there is a purpose. A purpose that we do not understand. Times to reflect on what we have, what we do not have, and those moments that were miracles in our lives. Miracles that at some point we stop thanking our God, the Lord of Lords who reminds us that the unexpected is a gift.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if with my life full of so much work I forget to recognize that the unexpected brings some purpose in my life. Help me to be faithful to you and not turn my thoughts away from you. I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time not to question the processes. It is time to reflect before executing. Let us thank God for the unexpected event and may He give us the wisdom to understand the purpose of the unexpected moment in our life.

My dear friends, do not curse for what has happened to us but we can give thanks because behind that event there is a purpose that now we do not understand, but tomorrow you will understand.