The Tree

He is like a tree planted besides flowing streamsthat bears its fruit in its season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Psalm 1:3

When contemplating a tree, we realize the shade it produces. We see that the tree refreshes us and that everyone who goes under its branches feels a good breeze that caresses us. We lie down under the tree, we have also climbed on its branches to rest. Moreover, even if it rains we refuge under the tree.When the seasons pass (spring, summer, autumn and winter), we can observe how the tree changes its state, from green leaves to colors, and colors until it loses its leaves.

But, also, we see that each season returns its splendor. Why it returns to its splendor? Because the roots are still alive.

God in his immense love. He shelters us and protects us from so many adversities that suffocate us such as our personal and professional situations. Today, God is like the tree, is our shadow and our refuge. When you do not see the leaves, remember that the roots are still there, which means that his continuous presence will be there and we can continue refuge in Him.

God is our refuge and strength, our early help in the tribulation (Psalm 46: 1). Therefore, do not fear because your God, my God, is always with you. He is our refuge and our shelter. He is the Tree of Life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive my sins and if we have offended you in something. I am laying in  your presence asking you to be my refuge and my protection. Many times I have joined the tree, but when I do not see more the leaves of the tree I think that you are no longer. I recognize that in your presence, even in silence you have to manifest. But, my carnal eyes have not seen it like this, forgive me and help me to continue approaching you. I recognize that in you, only in you can I rest in the shadows of your presence. Amen.

A friendly advice

Dear Friend, many times in our desperation we do not find where to go. We blur what we have in our hands and sometimes we lose the horizon. Today, it’s a new beginning. It is never too late to refocus on what you have such as  friends, family, work, and a  helping hand that God always puts in your path.

Do not waste time in regrets and in things that have already happened. Get up and seek the necessary help from people and institutions that are experts in every situation you have. Go to a church. Read the bible, pray and fast in these you can find the answers. We have to be sensitive to the voice of God. Lay down and rest on the Tree of Life that is Jesus.