The test

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. James 1: 2-3.

Many of us have gone through various tests and even more coming out of a situation comes another. Has it happened to you? Because I do. During the test many of us have lost faith, our strength is exhausted, and we are anguished through the process we are living. We are in doubt, we are depressed, and we even stop believing that God is with us. But, it is good to know that God reminds us that he is in control of our life. What is the key to staying on our feet?

The key is to have patience, be constant and continue forward without giving up. But, above all, prayer is the main source for not staggering in the midst of your trial. The power of prayer offered with faith will cause healing in you and your home, restore your relationship, stabilize your finances, and recover what you had lost. Also, the forgiveness process is important. Confess your sins to God, but above all, approach the one who has offended or hurt you and ask for forgiveness, even if you were not to blame for it.

God blesses those who endure with patience the trial and the temptations, once you have overcome this stage of your life, you will receive a reward. There are many stories in the bible and even in our present days of people who once lost everything, but then rose with a great victory. But, what distinguishes them all? It was that they did not lose faith, have patience, did not take the easy way, endured temptations, and prayed to God for what their whole life was restored. Therefore, my dear friends have patience, faith, and remember that all the tests will pass. Ask God for wisdom. God will not give you anything that you cannot carry, but above all, that your trust in him is always strong.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I come before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I ask you to help me in my test and that I do not fall into temptation. I know that all this is momentary, give me the wisdom to make correct decisions and that your power and mercy encamp on my life. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we have lived many painful experiences, but we have passed all of them. Many times we do not understand the reason for what happened, but then we saw clearly the reason for being. The important thing is to trust in your process, talk to God, seek help, and above all, forgive yourself. You may be in a dark place, but it will last until dawn. The lamp will shine again because you have allowed God to be your rudder. Therefore, the morning star will soon shine. Do not give up or lose faith, talk to God; pray.