The table is served

Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he comes shall find watching; Verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them sit down at the table, and will come forth and serve them. Luke 12:37.

Today, I feel to write some words that my heart and my mind bother me, just to write in a simple and precise way, the table is served. Well, this leads me to think about a biblical event (Matthew 22: 1-14) where Jesus gave a parable about a King that his son was getting married and wanted to give a big party. The King invited his guests, but his guests were so busy and had so many excuses that they never got to the party. So much so, that the King sent his servants back, but they continued with their cares and even others killed the servants of the King. The King, finding out about everything that happened, was upset and ordered the army to destroy the murderers and burned their city.

Then, the King told his servants that the weddings are prepared however, the guests were not worthy. Therefore, he instructed his servants to go and invite anyone they met along the way. So, that’s what the servants did. But, when the King entered to celebrate with his guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed for a wedding, asked him what he was doing there, but he did not answer him. Then, the King instructed his servants to take him out and throw him into the outer darkness; there will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Because many are called and few are chosen. What does this parable mean in our present?

My dear friends, how many times our God has prepared the table for you, but even in your eagerness, you do not give him the importance or the time to stop and approach the table. Your daily life is so busy, full of so many things, and even you say that you do not have times for nonsense and fanaticism. And, even those who have ever known Jesus are in the same tune as those who have never known him. We see Jesus as a religious myth, as a tradition, and even deny his existence. And, so much so that many do not dare to mention his name because of what others may say, and we give other names such as the universe, energy, the divine, and many other nicknames so that other listeners do not think that you are religious or Christian. Strong, right? Yes, strong words, but of a great reality.

Sometimes we do not want to admit who we have believed in, and we go to church, but not to recognize that God is still God, but so that the earthly man sees you as a religious. Where God is in your life, what part of the mathematical and scientific equation is what you do not understand? Where is the verb in your life, the action to execute? My dear friends the table is served. The table is full of blessing. A table full of food and precious gifts because it comes from the King. You can call him Jehovah, Father; Son, Jesus, and Holy Spirit because the three are one because they are part of a mathematical equation difficult to explain but, with theological concepts full of power.

My dear friends, today you are invited to the table to be part of the wedding, a King who comes to seek people free of sins and people, who serve him in spirit and in truth. And, above all friend, that there is still a new opportunity for you to come to the table and be blessed by the host of the wedding. Do not wait any longer, as waiting longer may be too late. Today, it is your day as well as your home to reach the king’s table, and you will be transformed, blessed, and your garments will be the guest of honor at the wedding of the Lamb, Jesus. Do not wait until the party is over and there is no more food on the table, then the weeping and gnashing of teeth will follow. Because many are called and few are chosen. Today, decide to be the chosen one.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me for being busy in this earthly world and forget that you have always been present. You, Jesus, have invited me to the table many times, but my pride and the one who will say have stopped me receiving my blessing. Today, I want to be part of your guests. Forgive me and transform my life with wedding garments. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I do not have many words, but  I can tell you that you should stop the nonsense and the eagerness that bind you and do not allow you to grow spiritually. When you have a personal encounter with Jesus, everything flows like milk and honey. Just get closer and experience what it is to be invited by Jesus. Find a church to serve and that preach of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit because the doors of heaven are about to open. It is an opportunity that the King invites you to the table. Do not waste any more time, get closer to Him.