The Space Mission

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16

When studying the career of an astronaut, we learn that the person requires a variety of training. They go through difficult and high-risk tests. The diet is different, the place to live is not a spacious house, it is a small space, the exercise routine is different, and even the clothes are different. We can read about the high risk that the life has when carrying out the space mission. Each astronaut has different skills according to the mission, so each one depends on the skills and strengths of their colleagues to carry out the mission. Once they have completed their training, they will be ready to go out to the space mission.

The other important part of the space mission is the rocket that will transport these astronauts. The rocket is powered by engines with propellers, oxygen and a fuel chamber. The first stage of a rocket is to start the first engine, which provides the initial impulse to send the rocket to the sky. This is the most difficult stage because it is the stage that will carry its own weight and the rest of the rocket. Therefore, the engine will continue to operate until the fuel is finished, therefore it separates from the rocket and falls to the sky. The second stage, the next engine is turned on to continue its trajectory. Therefore, it has less work to do, since the rocket travels at enormous speeds and the weight has decreased due to the initial separation. Finally, once in orbit, the last stage of the rocket falls and the artifice will be maneuvered using small rockets whose purpose is to guide the spacecraft.

Why am I talking today about the astronaut and the rocket? Well, I want to bring this to our daily life. Many times, our life is full of so many complexities that we wonder where we will go with all what is happening to us. Well, friend, our life here on earth is to prepare us for a purpose. God has prepared each one of us for a reason that we do not understand or know. Many times, the circumstances that surround us are not easy, we sacrifice family, friends, work and so many other things since we think there is no solution or we will never reach our final destination. Well, today I have a word of hope for you.

God never gives us impossible missions, without first leading us to a physical, mental, and spiritual preparation. In the face of adversity, the physical, mental and emotional are altered. Physics because there are situations of illness, family situation, financial situation and other situations that we cannot physically handle. Mental, because we begin to question, to doubt, to give reason to what happens to us, we fall into depression, anxiety, insomnia and many other things that the enemy, the devil, puts in our mind. Spiritual, we begin to lose faith and hope, we think that there is no solution, and we even say that God does not exist. I want to tell you that when you get up and overcome what is happening, the key to these overcoming is the training that God gives us.

What is the training of God? Reading the bible, prayer, fasting, faith, love, and hope. “When you pass through the fire I will not leave you,” says our God of hosts. Only in God can you find a solution to your problem, physical, mental and spiritual healing. And, when you complete your training you will be ready for the next level.

What is our next level? Riding on the rocket. What does it take to get on the rocket? The rocket is a source that will take us to the level that God has prepared for you. As a result, your rocket will start to be driven, which will lead to combustion (burning, fire). And so, it will be your life, a full life that will leave behind and burn all the past full of so much anguish. Your rocket will burn everything around you, many people will see you as you push yourself into the unknown and to another level that goes beyond logical reasoning. Then, you will go to another level.

What is the other level? Elevate yourself to heaven You will be transformed, you will be a successful person and full of so much knowledge that God will give you the blessing of taking the message to others. You will reach where no one has arrived, to the infinite sky, to the special universe, full of glory, which God has prepared for you and for me.

Finally, the third level is once you are in orbit, let God be the one who maneuver until you reach the special place that God has for you and your love ones. Never lose sight of the horizon. God should always be directing your path, since with Him you will descend to the mainland.

Never forget how God transformed you and where God took you to be trained. Always remember, how God took you to new levels of life. But, above all, carry the message of God and what He did for you and your love ones. Happy space travel!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I speak before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Sorry for my disbelief. Sorry for doubting your power. Today, I want to be a good astronaut and be able to ride on the rocket that symbolizes your spirit, your presence. I want to be directed by the teacher of the teachers, the leader that will take me to safe harbor. Today, I want that my life and my home be directed by your Holy Spirit and that your presence is always in our midst. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Dear reader, today is a day to reflect on how you are. Maybe, you find yourself empty, full of burdens, and full of uncertainty. Today, I want to tell you that you are not alone. God has been waiting for you. Only Jesus expects you to let yourself be trained to take you to a spiritual level that you have never experienced. What does that entail? Follow the steps of the teacher.
I recommend that you visit a church and seek professional and spiritual help. It is never too late to make something extraordinary!