The song of the birds

Look at the birds of the sky, they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather in barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? Matthew 6:26.

Here I am after a long days in quarantine, I decide to go out on the balcony. As I sit in my chair I can see the tree in front of my balcony. A majestic tree, greener than the previous year and each branch is leafy. The wind blows and caresses my skin. I take a deep breath and allow oxygen to enter my whole being and exhale. I hear the birds sing as if they are talking to each other and sending some kind of message. I watch the birds fly through the air as freely as if no one existed, the heavens belong to them.

This quarantine has made me reflect on the majesty that nature needed for itself. Men had to hide to allow restoration of the environment. Creation screamed “I am defiled and need to be restored,” but no one listened to it only the Creator. The Creator restored its purity to the waters, gave the vegetation its splendor, gave the air cleanliness, the earth shines for its recovery, the birds of the field sing, and the animals walk free without fear because they were no longer persecuted or executed for fun.

Now we leave the cave, and many of us can see how our Nature was restored. But others are still blind and deaf so they cannot see or hear the work that the Creator did. Until when humanity can stop completely and value the opportunity to see, breathe, hear, touch and savor the majesty that the Creator offers us through Nature? The Creator reminds us that as He has taken care of Nature how not to do it with you, because He continues to be God even in the times.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I apologize not only for myself but for all humanity. Sorry if we have blurred our plans for your children. I want you to be my Creator and caretaker as you have taken care of the Nature that surrounds us. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, this time of quarantine has been one to reflect and learn to trust our God. Seeing the majesty of Nature we can understand the care that God has always had of his people. His love and mercy is forever and his truth will always remain. Pray and ask for forgiveness for our humanity and that we keep our environment free of pollutants.