The salt

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. Matthew 5:13.

Salt has been the main element in our meals and at the same time avoided the rotting of food such as meat. Salt was an object of trade and exchange. Even brought as consequences wars. Also, salt was used as currency. Therefore, the term salary is derived from the word salt since it was a Roman custom to pay the soldiers an extra amount for acquiring salt. There come moments in history that salt had such a high price that it was only possible for the rich. Salt, an element so precious that even Jesus used the word salt to compare the life of man on earth. It is for these reasons that salt today remains a comparative virtue as a substance to prevent rot, to season foods, and is used as saline water among other things. And, what does salt have to do with me?

God reminds us that we are salt. We are people created to season life. How can we season? The human being is composed of virtues that makes this world full of hope. When there are kind, compassionate people, who are willing to shake hands with the needy, who are people who do not criticize but help you raise, they are the salt of the earth. So, when someone helps you, is by your side, encourages you in the midst of your circumstances, and gives you words of encouragement, they are like salt that spices and gives light and hope to your life. Who is your salt? What have you done to be salt on this earth?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am before your presence asking for forgiveness if I have failed you. Today, I want to be salt on this earth. Give me the strength and wisdom from above to be an agent of change on this earth, I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to be agents of change. Give some salt to your life and that of others. Share your happiness and blessings with others in need. Many think it is to give money or help financially, but money is not everything. You can help someone with their household chores, take care of an old man, take care of a child, educate, serve others, among other situations that you can be part of the change in the life of another human being. A hug, a smile, a pat on the shoulder, and a word of motivation can add to the lives of others. What will you do today, to give salt?