The Reflection of Light

12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12 (Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960))

How good it is to know that by allowing God to be your light, there is a new hope. When we have light in our lives, wonderful things happen. Within those wonderful things there is peace, love, faith, temperance, meekness, kindness, and goodness, which are some of the fruits of the spirit. Galatians 5: 22-23 (RVR 1960).

When you see the flowers of the field, the sky, the sea, the birds of the heavens and everything natural we feel peace, we feel harmony, we feel something supernatural in it, and therefore we feel the fruits of the spirit. How beautiful to see and hear the smile of a child or the laughter of a person who laughs freely without fear of what they will say and it infects you without even knowing why that person laughs. When you laugh, you feel peace, relief, you feel that your burdens are no longer there, you forget what you are living for, that is peace. How beautiful it is to believe without seeing, that is faith. How beautiful to feel the hand and the hug of a loved one, that is love. Good to know that negative circumstances do not lead you to quick actions that is temperance. It is good to know that even in the midst of your pain you feel tranquility that is meekness. When you have a kind attitude towards others, which is kindness. And how beautiful it is to know when you are inclined to do well to others no matter to whom that is goodness. When you put into practice those fruits of the spirit, you are giving light and reflecting the light of God to others.

Prayer: Open your heart

Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness if I have failed you. Forgive me, my God. I want to thank you for being in my life. Thank you for your immense love because without you I would not be standing. Thank you for making me understand that you are the light of the world. If I did not have you, I could not reflect the light to others. Allow me Lord Jesus, may others see in me your light, and also activate the fruits of the spirit such as peace, love, faith, temperance, meekness, kindness, and goodness. Amen

A friendly Advice:

We will remember that Jesus is the light of the world. Therefore, if you have and carry Jesus in your heart you will be able to understand and experience the fruits of the spirit. Maybe you did not know the reason for your actions, but those actions are part of the spiritual world.

Friend, your personality and actions are part of the light of the world. When you talk to others, when you walk, your way of behaving and other qualities in you that people recognize that you are different, that there is something special in you and they do not know what it is. Do you know what it is? That your friend carries the light, the energy, and above all you activate the power of the fruits of the spirit because you carry Jesus in your heart.