The plow

Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God. Luke 9:62

Remembering the times when a plow was used to cultivate the land. This plow is pulled by animals such as oxen, horses, mules, among other animals. The plow is an instrument that is used to break the ground and make furrows and then sow. When using an animal for the plow, we see that many are placed blinkers in their eyes so that they only look forward. Also, we observe how a person guides the animal to perform that function perfectly and ensures that it does not get tiring. The animal has no chance to look back but has left a field ready to be sown. Work, effort, and time have been key to let others value that sacrifice. A sacrifice that is valued so that others take advantage of that land and can sow. Then, it can be seen the fruit of that land that was once arid.

Therefore, this is how our life carries the plow with it to break the normal pattern of life. Work, effort, and dedication without looking back who sows but to see a land that someone valued and can continue to give life to something that nobody saw, but was left prepared. Value the person who was the first to break the pattern of the common. Value the person who put on the blinkers so that nobody blurs the purpose of that work. Work criticized by many, work that nobody sees at the moment. But, there will be someone who will pass and take advantage of that land to continue to seed. Perhaps that sower does not see the harvest, but another will see the fruit of that work and will distribute it to feed others with that harvest.

There is always someone leading and watching that we don’t get tired on the road. Perhaps negative thoughts will arrive where the sacrifice is not seen or valued. But, there is always the hope that God will illuminate someone so that they do not see a simple ground. But, a land that is ready to be sown and then harvested. Our eyes are fixed in the present and in the future, and that does not move us or take us away from continuing to plow the ground. We were the strongest, the bravest, and the most forced to do something that nobody dared to do. Only your spirit of strength, positive thoughts, and with God as a guide leads us to continue the path without looking back because we are sure that we leave a legacy for others to sow and gain.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for new strength and wisdom from above to continue my journey. There are times that I get tired, but then I remember that there is a future that awaits me and there are promises in your word that you will fulfill in my life. Thank you for directing every step I take, in your name I ask you, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I know that many are parents and work every day so that their children have a good future. Perhaps you are currently plowing the ground and perhaps asking that this sacrifice be valued by your children. Well, I want you to know that you don’t look back, keep your eyes on the present and future, because your children will see that sacrifice and sow.

On the other hand, if you are a worker who thinks that nobody sees your work, I want to tell you that this should not be a reason to give up now because in the future there will be someone to continue with that project you started. Do not give up and always look to the future, do not worry about what was already happened. It is time to start with a new beginning in your life with something that nobody has dared to do, just you. Hence, that makes you unique.

Remember, whatever your ground is, allows God to guide you.