The perseverance

“knowledge, with its own control; self-control, with perseverance; perseverance, with submission to God;” 2 Peter 1: 6

There are difficult times and even more when we have goals set in our lives. Perhaps we get a situation that we may find ourselves at the crossroads of continuing with the objectives or changing course. It is true that when everything is done uphill perhaps it is time to change strategies or change objectives. But, in this case, I want to write about perseverance as a fundamental value in our daily lives.

When searching through the intranet definition of perseverance we can see that it is also known as constancy, persistence, firmness, dedication, and determination. Therefore, the term perseverance indicates that a person continues forward and does not give up in the face of adversity or obstacles. This person does not abandon what he/she has built or is about to build. Therefore, when a person is persevering, it is because he/she has set goals, it is clear, measurable, tangible, and has an action plan to complete the goals.

This does not mean that there are situations of falls, but a persevering person learns from the mistakes and if it is necessary to start over he/she begins without fear. Well, the road showed him/her where the weakness was and how it can be done from a new vision or perspective. Therefore, the person’s self-esteem does not weaken but learns that there is always something new to learn along the path. Therefore, the person improves their abilities and skills that will lead to success. When you look back, you realize that everything is possible if you persevere and don’t give up.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking for forgiveness if I have offended you. Today, I come before you to let you know what my goals are and you are my guide, give me the wisdom and perseverance to complete my goals. I ask in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time for you to take action. How fast
you want to complete your goals is up to you. Therefore,
I recommend the following:

  1. Write your goals or objectives.
  2. Be specific
  3. Is it measurable?
  4. Can you reach it?
  5. What is relevant or important to you?
  6. Have an action plan for each goal.
  7. Look for people to help you in your process.
  8. Invest in yourself and love yourself.
  9. Do not give up.