Behold, I give you power to trample serpents and scorpions, and over all the force of the enemy, and nothing will harm you. Luke 10:19

I recently saw a movie about cartoons that caught my attention. In this movie there was a sphere that contained the pearls of good and evil. But, there was an oversight on the part of the guardian and the pearl of good passed to the beast of evil, in this case a dragon that for many years was a prisoner and wanted to win heaven in order to rule. And, the other part of the pearl was given to the son who inherited the wicked pearl at birth. This son was from a marriage that always fought against evil, so his son at birth had all the qualities of a demon. Therefore, he was controlled by an amulet assigned to him by the guardian. By analyzing this movie I could see that there was a teaching behind this movie.

We all constantly struggle with our thoughts. We are like that capsule that contains both the pearl of good and evil. We constantly struggle with both positive and negative thoughts. We want to win and we want to get the prize, but the truth is that there is the battle of the mind. We simply cannot control our negative thoughts and we have to find someone to help us in the process to get out of that ambiguity or dark area.

Many times we forget that there is a supreme being named Jesus who gave his life for us. Jesus, who lived the temptations that even Satan presented to him. Jesus knows what we live, what we suffer, and how difficult it is to make decisions. But, my dear friends, I want to remind you that our Jesus left us the Holy Spirit, who gives us the power to overcome any temptation or negative thought. You just have to always remember that we are children of a powerful God and that we have power, you just have to say that the Blood of Christ is power and that our God gave us the power to rebuke all evil. Therefore, you are a special being with a lot of power and the enemy knows it.

Prayer: open your heart

Lord Jesus, I come before your presence to ask your forgiveness for all my sins. Today, I recognize that only by your precious blood we have defeated the enemy and it is in you that we have victory over evil. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I want to remind you that our Lord Jesus has given us authority. But, the secret of this is abiding in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We can speak in his name and all the powers of darkness will recognize that power and obey. Why will the enemy obey? Because he knows that in us is the authority of our Jesus Christ, who defeated him on the cross of Calvary.

Therefore, my dear friends believe in you, in the power and authority that Jesus left us through his Holy Spirit. Do not hesitate. Seek help if necessary. Pray and take care that you do not fall into temptation. Remember you are a child of God.