The mountain

The mountains melted like wax before the presence of the LORD, before the presence of the Lord of all the earth. Psalm 97: 5.

Many have seen a mountain. We see its majesty, we see its splendor, and even many have climbed the mountain. All of us who have climbed the mountain observe how beautiful their landscapes are both their flora and fauna. In addition, we know that there are several obstacles in that walk. We observe that there are stones in the road, there are wild plants and even poisonous. Also, there may be birds, snakes, and different wild animals. But, none of that prevents the path from continuing even if we have to make several stops to rest. Well, we know that once we climb to the highest point, we will breathe and observe that everything we went through was nothing compared to the beautiful panorama that creation gives us through its majesty. Therefore, it was worth going through all the obstacles.

Our life is like the road to the highest peak of the mountain. We can find in our walking difficulties and stumble that we even fall but, that does not prevent us from dusting our knees to continue with our goal. We may have to make several stops, but that will not prevent me from reaching the top of the mountain. When the eagerness of the day overwhelms or torments us, we remember that there is something better than the lower part of the mountain. Therefore that is enough reason to continue our path. Do not give up, rest when necessary to obtain new strength, and maintain a conviction of faith that there is something much better at the top of that mountain.

When we reach the top of the mountain, we see that what we live in the lower part of the mountain will never be compared to what we see at the top of the mountain. We see clearly that there was something supernatural waiting for us. Up there you can breathe peace, you feel full of peace, and that everything that happened to us was a path full of learning to never make the same mistakes again. Now, going down from the mountain we are more careful because we know where the danger is and we will take more precaution to avoid falling or getting entangled in poisonous paths or dangerous roads. Well, now we are wiser and more cautious people to take the best route that allows us to reach our final destination well.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to climb the mountain if you, Jesus, go with me. I wish you to be my guide and be my protector to reach my final destination. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we have all been through difficult situations. But, don’t let an obstacle stab your dreams and desires. Seek help from people who help you get up and get where you want to be. Remember, you are not alone.