The mirror

For now, we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12.

How many of you have looked in the mirror today? Many of us have looked in the mirror. Who you see? How do you look?
Maybe, many of us have looked in the mirror and see the imperfections, we see how we are disheveled, maybe we got acne, maybe we got a gray hair, maybe we see swollen eyes, maybe we look badly dressed, we look chubby, skinny, ugly, wrinkled, and so many other things that your eyes see through the mirror. But, the saddest thing is that when we look in the mirror we don’t see the beautiful being that you are because you only see your imperfections.

The easiest thing about human being is to see what we don’t like. We are the worst critics of ourselves. And, worse, we look in the mirror and tell the mirror how bad you look and so many other things that come to your mind. When the time comes, every day you look in the mirror and you do not find something beautiful to say about your person, it is an alert that your self-esteem is not positive, what many know as low self-esteem. According to the meaning of self-esteem is

Self-esteem is the assessment, perception of positive or negative judgment that a person makes of himself based on the evaluation of his thoughts, feelings, and experiences (

Therefore, my dear friends, self-esteem is related to yourself so the individual tries to recognize their qualities and defects based on their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Although, unfortunately, we live in a world that has been given so much commerciality to the almost perfect image which has almost led our society to buy more items to improve its external image than to take care of its interior. The physical is important but that is not the most important, the most important thing is to feel good and love you physically, that you recognize your qualities and virtues that are in your heart and mind. The important thing is to increase your self-criticism to a positive one. Therefore, it is then that when you look in the mirror you see a beautiful person, handsome, and that you are important because you were created in the image and likeness of God. Genesis 1:27 says And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. So, through you there is light, there is brightness.

You are a radiant person, and despite what you see in the mirror, remember that what you physically see it should not dominate your mind or heart. Remember that you are a very special being in the hands of God. Moreover, when you see yourself in the mirror you no longer see yourself but Jesus through you. Therefore, love yourself, do not be hard on yourself, and remember that you are unique and there is no one like you or your virtues. Tell the mirror, “Good morning, how beautiful I am today!” Smile, Christ loves you!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, thank you for forgiving me and loving me. Today, I am in front of your presence so that you, Jesus, heal all the wounds that prevent me from loving myself. I want to love myself and feel that your love covers all my life. That I can see through the mirror a person full of virtues and that my heart reflects my exterior all the beauty that I am in you, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I want to tell you today that I don’t know you personally, but God does know who you are. Today, it is time to break with that low self-esteem, it is time to strengthen the beautiful person that you are. Maybe, you think that when you look in the mirror you are like a kitten, but today I tell you to look like a lion. You are special, you are unique, and there is no one like you. Also, you must learn to recognize when you are weak in certain areas of your lives and it is wise to seek help.

I recommend the following:

  1. Begin to believe in yourself. Love yourself.
  2. Have positive thoughts or words of praise when you look in the mirror. For example, how beautiful I am today.
  3. When you have positive self-esteem, you begin to value yourself and respect yourself, so others will also value and respect you.
  4. Seek help from a mental health professional. It is good to heal old wounds.
  5. Seek image advice, there are many recommendations on the internet. Know your body and what is going well with you.
  6. Take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health.
  7. Get out of the routine, do something different today. Plan what you want to do.
  8. When you have positive self-esteem, you are independent, you make decisions, and you don’t feel hurt if someone criticizes you.
  9. Recognize your physical and emotional qualities.
  10. Always educate yourself and clear your doubts with someone professional in the area you have doubts.