The Light

I, the light, have come into the world, so that everyone who believes in me will not remain in darkness. John 12:46

Our God is like a ray of light. Sometimes we have found ourselves in the midst of darkness. So dark is our walk that sometimes we do not find the exit. We have lived situations where hope weakens and maybe even does not exist. Moreover, there are moments that in that darkness we observe a small strip of light, which comes from the other side. Even more, that strip of light tends to bother our sight and we even cover it so that it does not get in the way of our vision anymore. That light continues to enter through the most insignificant holes. We continue trying to cover it, but the light is dispersed more and more.

Our lives have passed through the valley of darkness and we have submerged ourselves in an empty room where we think that light does not come. Hope, illness, depression, divorce, work problems, family problems, finances and many other things that overwhelm us through our daily life that weaken us. But, TODAY, TODAY I want to tell you friend that there is a light that pierces the darkness, which pierces your empty room, which transcends your solitude, pierces your illness, pierces all your valley of darkness. When you think that there is no hope and everything around you collapses, that light comes in and although you try to cover the holes, that light is so penetrating that it disperses more. Then, after a while you realize that while there is light, there is hope.

You know that on the other side there is light, you just have to take a few more steps, a few more steps to be able to leave the valley of darkness and to be able to open the door of your room. When you decide to leave the valley of darkness and leave your room, it is the moment that you opened your heart to new opportunities of life. Where there is light there is life, there is hope, and light reminds us that it is another new day. We will hope that there is a solution, which we are not alone in this universe and that God has a new dawn. Jesus is the ray of light that by allowing you to open your heart, He arrives to calm your pain and give you new hope that only in Him will you find peace and everything will have a solution, because only in God will you find a new source of life and hope.

Prayer: Open your heart

My God, I thank you for a new dawn. Forgive me if I have failed you. I come before your presence asking for your help so I can continue every day. I admit that in my circumstances I get discouraged, I hide, and many times I do not want to see further. Today, I want to open my spiritual eyes so I can see the light. The light that only in you, Jesus, I can find. Give me new strength, health and wisdom from above to be able to undertake my journey and remember that you are in control and only in you can I be confident because you are my luminary. Amen.

A friendly Advice:

Friend, today leave your room. Do not be afraid of your past, present or future, because our God is in control. When demotivation comes to your mind and you think there is no way out, let God work. Jesus will take control of everything.

Many times in our lives come different situations that we did not expect such as illness, an accident, loss of employment, family situations or other things that lead us to despair, depression, and decision-making that often are not the most correct. That is why, you must be aware that there are health professionals and churches that can help you. Remember you are not alone, let the light, Jesus, shine in the midst of your darkness. Your darkness will be momentary because in Jesus there will always be a new dawn.