The impact of the virus on my life

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

Many of us are living the stage of the extended quarantine until the end of April or until May 2020. Only God knows the extent of this quarantine called coronavirus. We live in difficult times. There are people who feel grateful because they have time to reflect, to share with their loved ones, to meditate and to be in contact with God. But, what about the person who is going through difficult times?

Times in which many have lost their jobs, the debts increase, they have been with their children for a longer time and they do not know how to manage the time in this quarantine with them, even now they are sharing with their partner 24/7, which are now getting to know each other in middle of the crisis. Perhaps these days there are people with negative thoughts, abuse, and so many other negative things that can be affecting the home of many people in these days of quarantine. Society and governments should be focused on these types of cases as it impacts the quality of life in each home.

What alternatives do governments or nonprofits offer to both emotional and family psychological help in these times of quarantine? What alternatives do they offer to help single mothers, the elderly, abused people, not only physically as well emotionally? What would happen when all this event pass and people go out like zombies without knowing what will happen tomorrow? Will we have a job, my debts have piled up, creditors start calling, my home is destroyed, and so many other things that it was not given importance in quarantine? Now, what? Is it that with just one help it is enough to help thousands of homes that are going through experiences which do not know where to go since the vast majority of services are closed?

Therefore, the sad thing about the case is that there are so many closed Christian temples, which at the same time they think that since they are all closed there is not a Christian church or town that also cries out for spiritual, physical and mental help. What are the children of God doing in the midst of this crisis? Is it just giving a message on social networks? It is more than just a word; God has called us to be a people of action in difficult means. Proclaim the blessing and the call of salvation to every creature. God’s love is not limited to a few but, to the whole world.

Hard times and we have focused only on one virus. My friends, it is time to wake up from deep sleep. It is time for a government to be attentive to the needs of a people crying out in the desert for other types of aid that have been stopped offering, thus impacting the quality of life of many people. It is time to break with patterns and traditions. It is time to do the work that God has commanded His people. Which? Well, it is doing good to each one, forgiving, praying, and believing like a mustard seed for healing, restoring families and marriages, healing wounds of the soul, listening, feeding and providing for the needy. But, above all, carry the message of peace and hope of a God of love and forgiveness, and of a God who comes for His people.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you for forgiveness. Forgive your people if we have not done what you have given us on this earth to do. Today, give us wisdom and humility to carry out our responsibilities on this earth and to be a blessing to many. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends and leaders of our community it is time to wake up and act. Everyone has the power to do extraordinary things and the time is now.

What can we do if we cannot be out? Call someone; be aware of your neighbors needs. There are many tools where you can get in contact with someone even on the distance. Be creative.