Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock. Mathew 7:24.

Many of us have heard and read the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Wolf. Do you remember that story? Well, now I can understand the meaning of this story. When we search the bible there is a parable that Jesus left us similar to this story. Matthew 7: 24-27 (Bible), tells us about a wise man who builds on the rock and when the rain descended, the flood came, the winds blew and beat on his house: the house did not collapse. On the other hand, the foolish man built his house on the sand and when the rain descended, the flood came, the winds blew and beat on his house: the house collapsed. What does this mean in our lives?

We as human beings have the alternative of building our house on the foundation that you choose to be such as sand or rock. When we decide to build our emotional, mental, and physical life on selfishness, badness, jealousy, envy, anger, lack of energy, carelessness of our body, and we are always at the prospect of an attack or even plotting revenge are examples when our house is built on the sand. Advice can come, help can arrive, and other positive things, but being immersed in so many worries we do not listen neither let them help us because we think we have everything under control.

But, when the difficult time comes, such as illness, finances are impacted, work, children choose another path which you did not teach, marriage is impacted, and so many other things that lead you to think that your house collapsed or is on the edge of the precipice. When this difficult moment arrives and you see the cracks in your house, you ask yourself: “What happened since my house was well built?” So, you decide to check the footprints of your spiritual house. When you check the footprint of your spiritual house, you realize that the construction was done on a non-solid ground, that’s why your house was starting to crack. However, it’s never too late for new construction. Today, I have good news about this new construction.

How good it is to know that we are always present in the heart of God. Jesus was waiting for you to be ready to listen and receive his help. The Bible says that the prudent man was the person who heard his voice and put his advice into practice, so his house was built on the rock, the foundation that is Jesus. Therefore, when the rain descended, the flood came, the strong winds blew and beat his house, and it did not collapse or crack because the architect of his spiritual house was Jesus.

My dear Friend, I want you to know that the rain will descend, the winds will blow and beat your house on sand or rock, but the difference will be on the type of construction that your house is founded. If it’s on the sand, I want to tell you that on difficult times will make you lose many things. But, when your foundation is on the rock, you will not suffer losses, on the contrary, you will feel safe in your house because Jesus is the fundamental basis of all your house both physical and spiritual. Do you want to rebuild your house? Today is a good day to communicate with the architect par excellence, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Sorry for not listening to your voice and your advice. I know that you have sent people to my life, but my desire to take care of everything and believe that I had everything under control, I did not stop to listen to how to build my house on solid ground. Today, I want to ask you to be my engineer, my contractor, my architect, and my designer in this new stage of my life, in this new construction in you, Jesus. Moreover, my house and I will begin to serve you. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, today is a day to reflect on how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. We have a new opportunity to start over. What should I do?

  • Well, have genuine repentance with God.
  • Forgive yourself and then others.
  • Love yourself and others.
  • Serve others and accept all beings with their virtues and defects.
  • Do not worry, of the internal and external because God has control over every detail of the construction. You only have to trust Him fully, that is called faith.
  • Counsel with those who know about solid foundations, change your environment and start looking within yourself for the virtues and talents that will make your new home look enjoyable and will shine in the dark.