The hole

You who have made me see many anguish and afflictions, you will restore my life again; and you will bring me up again from the depths of the earth. Psalm 71:20.

Today, as I walked I watched as some employees dug a hole (concavity) to plant a tree. While watching how they made the hole, I observed how the driver of the machine dug the hole and the other person indicated the depth required by the hole to plant the tree. While continuing to observe the process, another driver brought the tree protecting the roots so that they would not be affected by the movement, although the tree had no leaves, because of the winter, I knew that soon the leaves would arrive with spring. When analyzing this process, I thought that our life is similar to a tree which depended on the depth of the hole to sustain itself with the climatic changes. Then, I was wondering, how deep will our hole be?

When comparing the hole in the ground with our life, it is similar to that of the tree. The tree needs to be planted at a depth so that it does not matter the wind, the rain, or any climatic change this will remain standing even if its leaves fall. And like this is our life, we need to be firm and strong. No matter how strong the storm of circumstances that reach your life, even if the tree bends and touches the ground, and its leaves fall, it rises and stands firm because the roots were sown at a depth.

So friend, perhaps the circumstances, problems, situations, illness and many other things that you only know made you bend, fall, but even so, you got up and continued standing. You know why? Because your life, your faith, and your convictions in God have led you to be like a tree sown in a hole so deep. How deep is the hole, is what will give you support and firmness to sustain you under the circumstances. So if your roots are sown in a depth, you will not fall and you will stand firm like the tree.

God as a good gardener, sowed you in a depth where his immense love, forgiveness, and protection give you the strength and firmness to stand up and not fall before the adversities that come to your life. With God you will never be broken down, you will be firm as the tree in the midst of climatic changes. And, soon you will see your victories as the leaf that is reborn in the spring. How deep is your spiritual life with God?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to ask you to be my gardener, which my life is in your hands. Only in you can I remain firm and strong. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friend, today is a day to reflect on how deep is your spiritual connection with God.

  • It is time to reflect and know how deep is your faith and your convictions. Take some time to meditate, pray and ask for direction.
  • Do not let the circumstances you are living overshadow what God has prepared for you. God has blessings, health, strength, family, and restoration of marriage, restoration of finances, and many other things that only you and God know you need.
  • Do not let the enemy laugh at you, get up and walk with your head held high because God is always with his children and nothing will be lacking. God will restore your life again and raise you up again from the depths of the earth. Do you believe?