The envy

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and cleanse them from all evil.” 1 John 1: 9.

We live in a world that envy flourishes like the flowers of the field. Times that people stop being themselves to desire what others are or have. We want the neighbor’s things without even being able to bear our own expenses. They live in appearance. They begin to slander their neighbor just by seeing their neighbor succeed. Have you not lived that situation?

Many times envy causes a person to slander others and many times cause ruin to their friends or families. Then, with the past of time, they realize the evil they did and then they wonder how to fix this situation. Consciousness screams and does not allow you to sleep. What can I do to restore that situation that was caused?

I remember a story of a man who wanted to fix the evil he did to a friend, he asked for advice. The wise man told him to take a bag of small, light feathers which he must drop wherever he went. Once his work was done, he had to return to the him. The man did what the wise man told him. Then, very happy, he returned to the wise man and said that he had finished. The wise man replied that this was the easiest part. Well, now he must go and collect the same feathers he had released. Therefore, the wise man said to him “Go to the places that you spilled the feathers and collect them and fill the sack again.” The man went to carry out the new instruction but, he felt sad because he recognized that he could not gather almost any in his bag. The man returned sadly to the wise man, so the wise man said to him: “Just as you could not gather the feathers that flew with the wind again, so the evil is done. The only thing you can do is ask your friend for forgiveness, because there is no way to reverse what you did. ” So, my dear friends, recognizing our mistakes and asking for forgiveness are a wise decision. Be careful, what you say and how you say it.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you for forgiveness. Sorry, for having failed you my God because I have done wrong to others. Forgive my sins and that I can repair my mistake with others. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, there are moments that we desire more than we can have. We look at the success of others but many times we do not see the sacrifice of those people to obtain what they have. Many times we criticize, we talk about the neighbor behind his back, and from the front they are another face. Let’s not be like a double-sided coin. Always be you. And, the day a negative thought comes to your mind, rebuke all wrong thinking in the name of God and immediately speak to the person. Don’t let a misunderstanding damage a relationship of years.