The desert

For the LORD your God has blessed you in all that you have done; He has known your pilgrimage through this immense desert. For forty years the LORD your God has been with you; Nothing has been missing. Deuteronomy 2: 7

I recently read a Facebook message that said:

The desert is intentionally provoked by God. Not only is God’s purpose for you to meet him in the desert; but open your heart and expose what is really inside it. The result gives you two options: be ready for abundance or you are going around in the desert. Understand church, the desert does not kill you, it blesses you; it doesn’t bury you, it catapults you; it transforms you because you can never reach fulfillment as a slave but as a son. Change your optics and enjoy the desert. ”

How many times I have lived in the desert … Desert that you walk and walk that seems to have no end. Arriving at the destination seems impossible. The drought arrives, the heat arrives, hallucinations arrive seeing things that seem and are not. There is nowhere to protect ourselves, there are sunstroke and exhaustion. Desert … a desert that reminds me of why we live or why it was created on this earth. There are people who live in these places and adapt to them and there are others who can’t stand being in the desert for a long time. But, with the hope that we will reach the final destination.

The truth is that deserts occupy a third of our planet. The temperature is usually extreme, the soil is usually sandy, stony or rocky. Vegetation is scarce, but what exists has resisted adverse conditions. The fauna has adapted to its surroundings. It is also good to know that in the desert there are mineral resources such as petroleum and heavy metals as well as springs. We understand that the desert is part of this Earth, but there are also man-made deserts. By evaluating and studying the characteristics of the desert, I can compare it with our life. Now, I can understand how important it is to live experiences in the desert.

Living experiences in the desert transform us, we see life from another perspective, and it makes us strong and resistant so when the strong and sandy winds arrive we can survive that storm. But, especially remembering that in the desert there are natural resources that will make us rich in wisdom, rich in blessings, and above all that there is a spring who is Jesus that gives us water of life to keep us alive in each desert. Well, this time will not be the only desert we live in. Therefore, there are a third more deserts that we may have to pass to reach the Promised Land.

Prayer: Open your heart             

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you to help me in my desert. Give me the necessary strength to reach my final goal. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we all live by different adversities in our lives. But, whatever your desert, remember to pray, read the bible and seek help.