Thank you

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.. Philippians 4: 6-7.

Thanksgiving is approaching these days, although for many they say that we should give thanks all year. On the other hand, other people would say, why do I have to give thanks? Not everyone lives the same experiences, not everyone shares the same ideologies, and that’s fine. As I reflect that there are several days left to close another chapter in our lives, I stop to think about the same questions that many of you ask “why do I have to give thanks? To whom?”

These two questions make me think that life does not belong to me, that I live day by day without knowing if tomorrow I will wake up from deep sleep. As far as I can wake up, I can say thank you for one more day of life. Who gives me life? For many it is a mystery but, for me it is God. Perhaps many have a name for that being that gives them a chance of life to start again one more day. A day that allows us to stop and ask for forgiveness. A day that allows me to fix my internal and external affairs without knowing if tomorrow there will be another opportunity. A day that I must use every second of my life to be able to do good without looking at who. A day to love fully. A day I can look at the world from another perspective and see that in this humanity there are special beings. A day to say “thanks for life, my God”.

How you would answer these two questions, I don’t know. But, I’m sure it will make you reflect on what reasons you have to give thanks. Maybe for family, friends, work, health, money, and so many other things you would say. But, above all, there is a supreme being who has everything ready for you when you recognize his great power in you. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence to thank you for allowing me to be in harmony with my inner being and with everything around me. Thank you for everything and for loving me as  I am. Amen.

A friendly advice

My dear friends, I want you to take advantage of these holidays to get closer to your loved ones who have not seen or heard your voice for a long time. Times are short, tomorrow we will not know if there will be another opportunity. It is time to forgive old wounds and begin to live to the fullest of life. Enjoy every moment with the beings you love, but especially with those who have not known about them for a long time. A phone call, a visit, a text message or a letter will make a difference in the lives of many.